01 - entrance exams have falling vegetables

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The building glinted brightly,  making the blue haired girl squint, somehow today it looked shinier than ever before

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The building glinted brightly, making the blue haired girl squint, somehow today it looked shinier than ever before. Maybe they cleaned because all of these people coming but who cared. People stared at (Y/n), she stood out like a sore thumb— she didn't exactly have a junior high uniform so she wore whatever she chose.

If we're being honest here, the girl came in her pajamas and only brushed her hair along with teeth. White high-top sneakers, a black tank top and black gym shorts— it was comfortable and she didn't feel like changing out of it. Another reason why everyone stared...it was cold and everyone else was either wearing a scarf or something heavy to cover themselves in.

So when they see a person with a tank top and shorts while it's cold, they're obviously going to question it— along with the persons mental stability. (Y/n) doesn't get as cold as a person without her quirk would, the increased temperature of her body is a reason why she can withstand the cold.

Being in a cold environment also helps her quirk since overheating wouldn't be too much of a problem. The lightly dressed girl walked forward with a determined glint in her eye, she paused her steps and stared at two figures falling— at the same time.

'Is this rehearsed? People must have a lot of talent to fall at the same time.' Her feet moved before she could continue her thoughts and she wrapped her dull blue chains around the two people, effectively saving them from face planting. "Careful now, don't want to mess up those pretty faces of yours."

(Y/n) walked past them after they stood on their own— not giving them a chance to speak. She could still see their faces a deep shade of red in her peripheral vision, 'I should stop saying things like that so casually...' But she couldn't lie, the brown haired girl and green haired boy were both really pretty.

Going up to one of the booths a lady gave the blue haired girl a ticket, she walked inside of the orientation room and peered around for her seat. Glancing at the number again she looked back up and started walking towards where it was located.

She sat down next to a boy with ash blonde hair and pretty crimson eyes that looked like rubíes. He had a scowl on his face, (Y/n) noticed a small determined shine in his eyes and looked back to the stage. On the other side of him there was the same green haired boy that she caught in the entrance. 'I wonder if they know each other.'

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