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"The first match of the semi finals! One from a hero family— an elite amongst his peers and the girl who has been at the top in all of the rounds! From the hero course (Y/n) (L/n)! Versus— her classmate Shoto Todoroki!" The two walked onto the new...

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"The first match of the semi finals! One from a hero family— an elite amongst his peers and the girl who has been at the top in all of the rounds! From the hero course (Y/n) (L/n)! Versus— her classmate Shoto Todoroki!" The two walked onto the newly fixed cement platform with stoic but determined filled expressions. "START!"

Just like his battle with Sero, he sent an ice barrage but a more controlled one. It was still big enough to have people in the stands sink into their seats— the girl didn't move an inch, instead, let the ice consume her. "Huh?! Where did (L/n) go! Has the match already been decided— it barely just started and it seems that (Y/n) (L/n) has been trapped in Todorokis glacier!" The audience squinted to see if the blue haired girl was truly defeated or not.

There a booming sound and the stadium shook at the sheer pressure— steam rolled off of the large spike of ice and water dripped off. The arena got hot, the glacier shattered into nothing but small shards of ice. Everyone gaped at the blue haired girl who wore a content smirk on her face "Woah! Did everyone see that! (L/n) just totally broke that big hunk of ice like nothing!"

Another ice barrage but this time a long neon chain appeared on her palm— only the part that she had her hands on was locked in place. The ice got closer at rapid speeds— there was a loud whipping sound and the barrage shattered again. "She's taking Todorokis ice like nothing! If she keeps going like this, (L/n) might be the one to go to the finals!"

"Come on Shoto! Use your fire!"

Todoroki grit his teeth and continued to shoot ice at the blue haired girl. She dodged and countered, though she stayed on the defensive. "Why are you hesitating?" There was a brief moment that he paused— in those seconds he was punched in the face and sent back. He caught himself with an ice wall "I'm not really not trying to be pushy Shoto-kun."

There was a chop to his neck and a sharp jab to his temple— then a kick to his hip. The dual haired boy couldn't react at how fast she was going— something weird happened. (Y/n) disappeared into thin air, there were noises of confusion in the stadium. "What?! (L/n) has disappeared after landing multiple physical attacks on the ice boy! Where did she go?" She appeared behind, Todoroki swung his leg up but she caught it.

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