36 - "Can't say that i haven't missed ya' viejo."

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"Don't stop now! Keep those arms goin'!" (Y/n) struggled a bit as her mentor was making her lift eight hundred pounds

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"Don't stop now! Keep those arms goin'!" (Y/n) struggled a bit as her mentor was making her lift eight hundred pounds. Usually she can lift seven hundred so she thought it would be so bad— she was gravely mistaken. Her arms were sore, they've been going for three hours straight with no stopping. Mirko wouldn't let her but it was sort of exciting.

The thought of getting stronger—enough to save millions of people—was exciting for her. So she didn't stop, instead pushed harder until she couldn't anymore. "Alright, break." She rose an eyebrow "I...Ive been going cough for like five hours?! Now you want me to stop." The white haired woman nodded and the ex-vigilante slowly place the weights down, then got up from the bench. "Come on!"

She stood up slowly and rubbed her back 'Ow.' the girl took small steps and then normals ones to catch up to her mentor. They were in a training room that was in one of the offices floors— it was spacey that was for sure. "Drink up baby carrot!" Mirko presented a large cup of orange slush with a large grin— her eyes were crinkled at how big the smile was. "What is it?"

The blue haired girl cautiously grabbed the large cup from the woman's hands. "It's for your muscles—you're muscly alright but we gotta get those legs to smash skulls (L/n)!" She deadpanned "Alright then, is it carrot flavored? Smells like it and...orange? How much protein powder did you put into this?! Did you put energy shots into it too?" the smell was extreme.

"Take it like a champ pipsqueak!" The girl stuck her tongue out in distaste "If ya' say so Mirko-san." she pinched her nose and clutched the plastic cup tighter. She bring it up to her mouth and started chugging 'Ew ew ew ew, the texture is ugh.' Even if she was disgusted by it, she still had to gain more muscle so it was worth it. Should her tongue be burning?

She doesn't think so but she'll take it! "There ya go!" the hero slapped her back making her almost throw up but she swallowed it back with a grimace. "Let's go kid! Get those legs a workin'." Mirko squatted as she jumped back to the training room— (Y/n) did the same but with more struggle. So the second day of the girls internship was spent working her body to the point of exhaustion.

The hero had given her a small room to sleep in along with a shower— so after the shower she immediately hit the bed. And was about to fall asleep but the door was banged open— the white haired woman didn't have her hero costume, instead sweatpants, a tank top and her hair was in a pony tail. "Don't go to sleep yet! Let's go watch a movie!"

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