137 - Heaven and Hell

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"Woah! It's All Might in the flesh!"

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"Woah! It's All Might in the flesh!"

"Is that Azul?!"

"No way!"

(Y/n) glanced at the small portion of—rather stupid—civilians that stopped to take a look at her and All Might. "Azul??" She asked, adding, "No way, where?" after, with a small smirk. Bakugo rolled his eyes at her as they simultaneously felt the air around them get colder. "Those purses and wallets..." Todoroki reeled his right arm back. "...don't belong to you." Ice rapidly shrouded the streets in front of the teens, capturing the gang with ease while most bystanders ran away from the scene.

Although, the leader of the group started to break out of the ice. "Y'think a little bit of ice is gonna make me throw in the towel?!" He barked, bursting out from under the cold element. His fizzy quirk also helped out the rest of his gang's legs break free. "We did our homework on the patrol patterns 'round here all to prep for today! Especially now, during the end of the year! We spent a whole month on this plan! It was all done for this moment in this part of town where there'd be plenty of suckers and not a single hero!!"

"You're pretty feisty, aren'tcha?" (Y/n) deadpanned. "Get a job, loser!" Bakugo shouted with a sassy uplift of his lip. "Sadly, your plans will come to nothing," Todoroki added.

"Feisty? Sadly?! High school brats sure are naive nowadays. Not to mention, dumb as rocks! Listen up...I control carbonation! Getting all shook up...really makes me feel alive! I'm way more determined than a group of kids on their way home from school!" The villain declared. Bakugo bursted forward as they began to move in a different direction. "Determined to run away!" He yelled, catching up quickly and brutally sent explosions to all of the thug's faces.

At the exact same time (Y/n) had also decided to act, sending shocks through their temples and knocking them out. Although the teens fingers grazed as they acted on their hidden ideas, merely taking a fleeting glance at each other in response to the fugacious contact. The leader of the gang was caught by surprise, and probably by the sheer weakness of his gang. "Really?! Out cold already? I was trying to tone it down just enough to trip you up, but I guess you ain't determined enough," Bakugo settled on the side of a building that wasn't covered in ice.

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