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The Next Morning

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The Next Morning

"No one walks in fronta me!" Todoroki paid no mind to Bakugo's yelling. "Poor Aizawa-sensei, having to come with us after all that's happened," the boy sympathized. "Do I look like I wanna make small talk?" The other growled. "C'mon, I mean..!" A loud voice interrupted their brief "talk" while waking. "Bad boys! You're late!!" It was, "Present Mic and...All Might!" They stood in front of the bus. "We'll be your chaperones today," the calm blonde explained while the other repeatedly poked Bakugo's forehead. "After yesterday's events, Eraser's gonna be absent a lot in the coming days."

"And why's that?" Todoroki nodded either way, "It's got something to do with the girl they rescued. They need his quirk. So!! You get All Might instead! And Eraser asked me to tag along for extra protection!" The loud blonde posed. "It's just a precaution, giving what the League's been up to." "Yeah, I got busted up pretty good but...we caught Kurogiri." "Great! That's as good as grabbing the League by the scruff of the neck..!" "Nah. Nothing doing about the other one. It was a difficult decision. And now All For One's direct lackey has gone into hiding."

"Honestly...if we consider Kurogiri's capture versus losing the other guy...It's hard to say we came out on top. Because...he's a waking calamity. We regrouped and got reinforcements, but it was too late. They're still searching. I'll let you know of any developments." "Being late is a big no-no, get on that bus," All Might ordered after the flash back of him talking with Gran Torino on the phone—ended. 'All Might, huh?' "On the road to your licenses! Hop, step, here we go!!" 'This could be a pain.' Eventually, they arrived at the supplementary class location. "We'll be watching from above!"

"Rock on out there!" The two blonde teachers waved as their two students walked away. "Ohh, if it isn't the former #1 hero," a gruff voice was heard. "Thanks for chaperoning Shoto," the could feel a familiar blistering heat. "Endeavor!" All Might announced, albeit unimpressed. "This is perfect...I was just thinking how we need to sit down and have a chat." The blondes responded with awkward silence, until Mic broke it of course. "I'll go get us some coffee!!" Back with the students, "Shoto!! This is perfect! I somehow got some free time. I'll stop by tomorrow and get to watch your training cour...KZZT." 'Hopefully he doesn't run into All Might and...'

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