101 - "No kissing."

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(Y/n) watched this random young man lean in for a kiss

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(Y/n) watched this random young man lean in for a kiss. It was blatant since his eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted. She didn't know now to feel, she was feeling everything, it felt like nothing. "No kissing." She pushed him away—sending him back probably some miles and away from her. Something snapped in inside of her brain, her eyes glowed brighter (a white color of course). "Stop." Time froze, or rather, the storm of her quirks did. She dropped everything and looked down at the dry ground. She rubbed her tears away and everything completely vanished.

'What am I thinking...' The blue haired girl let out a shuddering sigh when she felt the irritation on her skin. She sucked her teeth, it wasn't healing. 'I blew out my quirks...' Her face twisted into one of pain. 'I failed to save the League.' She started taking in her surrounding, dirt ground filled up with sand. 'I still have more chances...one day I might have a chance to reach out to them again. And maybe that way things might finally work out. But...where the hell am I? How far did I run?' She sniffled and her phone started to vibrate. She fished it out of her pocket and checked the call.

Aizawa...is calling. (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and pressed the green button. She raised the device up to her ears, but then extended away from her—realizing he was probably going to start yelling. "(Y/n). I'm coming to pick you up, go to the Aeon mall in Tottori north. Are you hurt?" Her confusion climbed farther. "What do you mean? I'm in Tottori?" She heard the loud sound of an a engine on the other line, along with half-assed curses and tires grinding on pavement. "Yes you are. The news showed you, the storm you were in. The heroes are going to be there anytime soon, so you better get out of there."

"I was going to keep asking you if you're hurt but I doubt that you're not. Go to the mall and wait for me. I'll be there soon." She rubbed her eyes again, "Why are you doing this? There's no point. I can run back," she countered. "I might've not been the one to adopt you first and I fucked up with you, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still my daughter. And I care about you." Aizawa had ran once he saw the storm on the news, he ran out the door as quick as he could and to a car. Now he took abandoned roads so he could go as fast as he pleased. He didn't memorize the roads from (Y/n) for nothing.

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