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2:27 AM, Shizuoka Prefectural Airport

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2:27 AM, Shizuoka Prefectural Airport

The airport was surprisingly not that busy. (Y/n) effortlessly made her way towards the terminal—Night-Eye had informed her of and where—Nanami was supposed to walk out of. She ignored other people's obvious gazes and went on her phone, texting her father that she was already waiting outside of the terminal. He responded with a thank you and that he would let the other man know right away. And back to the two males, with extreme jet lag. Nanami looked down at his vibrating phone, answering it and only waving off Aki's curious gaze.

"Yes, Sasaki?"

"(Y/n) is there to pick you up. My apologies, I'm out for night patrol at the moment. Is Hayakawa with you?"

"That's pretty last minute, but it's fine. And yeah he's right here. Want me to pass the phone?"

"No it's alright. We'll see each other later today, at the HPSC."

"Alright. See you then." The call ended, and Aki already had their luggage in hand. Nanami grabbed his own things while thanking him. "Who was it?" They began walking to exit the terminal, ready to finally leave. "Just Sasaki." The teen got a little annoyed at the no added details, "And? What did he say? Is he here already?" The blonde checked his watch and didn't say anything. He took out his phone once more, pressing on a contact and pressing the little button with the phone on it.

Meanwhile, (Y/n)'s phone screen was shrouded by an incoming call. She answered it, bringing it up to her ear. "Nanamin. Don't tell me I was too late and missed you?" She worried. He shuffled from the other line, continuing his pace while the taller boy behind him kept up. "No. Calling to see where you are, we're about to walk out of the terminal." Aki slightly furrowed his eyebrows, 'Why'd he hang up if he was just gonna call Sir again?' "Oh, well..." She glanced around for any particular attractions that one could point out easily.

(Y/n) decided against it and just got up instead. "I'll just wait right in front of the terminal. I'm wearing white shirt and shoes, black pants." And she didn't need to say that he would spot her pretty easily because of her height, but also the way everyone would send a double take when they realized who she was. She had already signed some autographs and taken some pictures, after all. "Alright." The call ended easily, and she kept a lookout for the male. And the latter did the same.

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