68 - whole lotta' bullshit

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"I'll get you to safety soon

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"I'll get you to safety soon." Midoriya held the boy with a blue cap on—the one from before. He stopped once he was close to the center, "So many already?!" There was a lot of chatter coming from the zone, along with a lot of people. "You! Let me have a look at that child!" A girl with a headband and wavy hair ordered him, he let the boy down. "Oh, sure! He has a head wound, there's a lot of blood but the cut isn't too deep—one of the other heroes patched it up already. She said he would have some memory loss, but he's alert enough to keep taking."

"Good! Take bring him to that space on the right!" She ordered again, there was a figure in the dark—the place exactly was unknown. But there were two loud booms coming from the city. "Does anyone know what that explosion was?!" One of the people helping the injured questioned in worry, there were more people that had arrived and heard what they asked. "It's was Azul! Don't worry—she has it all covered!" The same light haired boy reassured and gestured his temporary partners to bring the injured closer.

As if on cue—there was a blue streak that made itself towards the zone. 'Imma be late!! Gotta go faster!!' She had a worried expression. "Sorting the injured out before giving first aid, that's a job for heroes to do in the brief time it takes for ambulances to show up. Then they need to hand over operations to the professionals as smoothly as possible. How are they doing?" The voice switched over to Mera's location instead of the dark tunnel, "With the way they started, it looks like most won't make the cut. Still—the H.U.C people aren't handing out as many deductions...as we expected."

"So not bad, as a whole." It switched back again, "When it comes to protecting people in cities...a hero's job is complex and multi-faceted, there's the actual rescuing, plus—" The streak arrived, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" They thought they had heard (Y/n)s authoritative voice before—but this was nothing compare to little scoldings she's given. It was a warning, a threat that shook them to their core but what came next made their hairs stand on end. The entire side of the stadium, or at least a small part of it, blew open.

It was still considered big because of how large the stadium actually was. "What?!" Midoriya turned around at a quick speed, the blue haired girl had put the little girl down and had used her quirk to minimize the damage that would've been done to everything and everyone. There were more explosions around the entire stadium too, 'Another terrorist attack?!' The green eyed boy stared wide eyed and mouth agape. "This is part of the exam!" She announced, "Seriously? More to deal with..?" A girl muttered weakly.

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