53 - when one truth is revealed

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"I shouldn't have gotten violent with you, i apologize

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"I shouldn't have gotten violent with you, i apologize." Iida glanced to the green haired boy, then down, as the five of them all walked out of the hospitals premises. "Seriously Iida, your reason for accompanying us isn't very convincing." Yaoyorozu said as the latter bowed in front of Midoriya. "I'm fine, don't sweat it." the boy reassured. "It's precisely because i can't agree with what you're all doing that i'm choosing to accompany you."

"If i think that even for a second that it's going to devolve into a fight—i'll pull us out of there in a hurry!" he explained. "Think of me as a monitor, a watchman!" he pointed at the freckled boy who only paled. "Watchman Iida huh?" Todoroki thought out loud. 'Isn't it watchmen?' The redhead sweat dropped. "It goes the same for me, this is a job for the pros. Watching from the sidelines without interfering is what we should be doing."

"But i understand how you feel, so this is a good compromise. Don't forget that." They started to head towards the train station. 'A non-violent rescue—it's not very realistic, they don't seem to realize they're hardly used to acting calmly. Once we arrive and assess the situation, they'll see how hard this will be—how unrealistic. At least i hope they will..!'

"Alright then, coordinates is on the tracker. Point to Yokahama city in Kanagawa—specifically, Kamino ward. It should be a two hour trip from here in Nagano, so we'll arrive at 10:00 pm." The black haired girl announced as the group was now sitting inside of the train. "Uh...did anyone tell the others the details of this mission?" Midoriya questioned. "Yeah, and then they wasted time trying to stop us." Todoroki took a bite out of his bento.

"Uraraka was really harsh about it, just to drive the point home." Kirishima recalled as he held some onigiri in his hand. "Uraraka? Really?" They nodded. "I'm sure Bakugo and (L/n) will...consider it disgraceful to get rescued." The green haired boy remembered the look in their eyes when they were swallowed up by the portal. "Let me say this much, what we're about to do is a selfish thing that won't be accepted by anyone, even Bakugo and (Y/n)—if you wanna turn back, there's still time."

"I wouldn't be here if i wasn't completely sure about this—plus they aren't really the type of people to let any villain boss them around..!" the redheads eyebrows furrowed as he replied to Todoroki. Going above and beyond is what makes one a hero. "There's no going back now." Midoriya responded. Iida stared down at his hands, in truth—he wasn't just here because he wanted to be a watchman. He was, is genuinely worried for (Y/n).

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