91 - "Ah...no. You aren't."

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Meanwhile, up in the mountains while (Y/n) and company were fighting

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Meanwhile, up in the mountains while (Y/n) and company were fighting...

"Lots of eyewitness reports in the past few days. Once we nab you, the League's peskiest member...the rest'll fall like dominos!" Gran Torino hovered above Kurogiri with his quirk. "He can produce gates around his hands and head, so watch out! Getting him cuffed won't be easy," Tsukauchi aimed his gun at the villain. "Around these parts, there's a rumor about a wild man who unexpectedly appears. Have you heard about him...Gran Torino? Even though it meant putting myself at risk, I have business with this wild man." The yellow caped hero scowled, "Yeah? Well you're gonna sit down and tell us all about it."

There was a fairly loud thud, they turned to the noise in alert. "He always has his eye on the future." "Heed my words. If I'm somehow taken out, after that...You'll be the only one left to protect Tomura. But if you're ever feeling uneasy about this burden...you can count on him." "Now...for today's weather report...KZZZZT." A flock of birds fled from the scene, "Detective Tsukauchi. Gran Torino. Tomura Shigaraki wasn't the only one he molded. Meet another of All For One's loyal servants. Gigantomachia!" There was a man, or rather, beast at this point. He had a large radio hung around his neck.

His hair was spiky and his teeth were jagged and sharp. His jaw was rock like, his footsteps created booming thuds that shook the ground in the forest everyone was in.

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