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blood warning & manga spoilers!

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blood warning & manga spoilers!

It was nighttime, around one or two in the morning— but still, nighttime

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It was nighttime, around one or two in the morning— but still, nighttime. (Y/n) was supposed to go to sleep at this point, she was busy studying but decided that she did enough of that already. Her phone dinged, she got up and walked over it. Freehandjobs— get in, she was confused. What did he mean by get i—! A purple void appeared from below her, she fell inside and there was an audible thud when she landed.

"What the hell." she groaned out and looked up, she was in a weird bar—facing the emergency exit sign. Someone cleared their throat behind her and she jumped up into a fighting stance. "Huh? Tomura?" The blue haired girl dropped her stance and looked at the eight pairs of eyes staring at her. Two of them were slightly shocked, the rest just stared.

No one said anything "Well...this is awkward." she scratched her neck with a tint of pink on her cheeks. 'They just keep staring..!' A person in a body tight suit walked up to her and leaned down— though they were only two or three inches apart in height. "Who are you?..." She deadpanned "(Y/n) (L/n)." she leaned her body to the side to face the powder blue haired man.

"So you got new members?" She walked up to him and the rest of the people that were there. "Why am i here?" she stuffed her hands in her pockets. "I want to recruit you to the brand new League of Villains—what do you say little angel of death?" Her eye twitched and (Y/n) leaned back "Naw, i'm cool—hero in training remember. Can't just leave my friends like that now can i?"

Tomura let out a noise of disbelief as she started to walk away—he launched at her with his hand out and the league watched. Before the man could lay all of his fingers on her, four hands grabbed on his arms. Dabi, Toga and Kurogiri held him back and (Y/n) had grasped his wrist. She gave a glare but her lips twitched, she started laughing. 'Is this girl crazy?..'

"Haha-! Damn, i'm just playing with you Tomura-kun." They all gaped "She smells so dangerous! Did you guys see that reaction time?" A woman with glasses and a probable wrapped up weapon gushed. "(Y/n)-chan!" She was tackled to the floor by an excited blonde that stuck to her like a koala. "Toga! Nice to see you again." The black haired man in front of them rolled his eyes.

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