67 - rescue exercise

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"You examinees will enter the disaster scene as bystanders and will undertake a rescue exercise

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"You examinees will enter the disaster scene as bystanders and will undertake a rescue exercise." Was announced, Mineta and Kaminari stared in confusion. "Pie stampers?" The duo squinted. "That means people who happen to be on the scene, we did this in class remember?" Hagakure explained to the two, "The term is also use to refer to ordinary civilians." The black haired girl added and the announcement continued. "You will not act as ordinary civilians, but as those who hypothetically earned their provisional licenses."

"You are being tested on how well you respond in these rescue situations." Shoji let out a hum, "Looks like there's some people." He grew a mouth to talk and Sato's face scrunched up, "Huhh?? Old people and kids?! What are they doing down there? It's dangerous!" He was right, elderly people and kids had arrived at the scene. "Everyone there is a highly trained professional rescuee and in very high demand as of late!" A man held a bottle of fake blood, "Pro rescuees?!"

"Please welcome the good people of Help Us Company, or H.U.C for short." Some of the examinees made comments on it, "Who knew that was even a job!" A boy with goggles on his head and some of his hair covering his right eye commented. "Heroes are so popular nowadays so it makes sense." Another next to him added. "The members of H.U.C will be feigning injuries all across the field, it is your task to rescue them. You will all be scored on how well you preform these rescues."

"Those who attain the required points at the end of the test will pass. We'll start in ten minutes, so take your bathroom breaks now." Midoriya stared silently at the screen with a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face, "Midoriya." Iida nodded at him, "Yeah, it reminded me of that time in Kamino Ward too." He said without the other including any context. "But remember that the villains were keeping us from getting to (L/n) and Bakugo at the time. We retreated in order to let the professionals do their job."

"Also, many people actually died there." The green haired boy punched his fist to his palm with a determined expression, "We can do this." He encouraged himself, though they glanced back at (Y/n) who had her knees up to her chest and her cheek leaned on her knee. "Do you think she'll be okay?" He questioned his worries, "(L/n), i...i don't know Midoriya, we won't ever get to her level of understanding of what happened that day. The most we can do now is support her and be there for her, especially with the media prying into her life."

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