45 - invisible hands, warm hands

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(Y/n) stared as Recovery Girl was healing the two severely injured boys, Midoriya glowed green—he was in an...awkward position. 'His butt looks good from this angle.' she pinched the bridge of her nose and banished the thoughts away from her mind. "Thank you very much Recovery Girl, i think i feel better." his voiced was strained and his eyes became half-lidded. "All Might— you really don't know how to hold back, if you hit these boys any harder they'd have permanent damage."

She started to repeatedly smack him with her cane—he was in his buff form. "Midoriyas back was horrible, i was just barely able to heal it. If (Y/n) bring them at the moment she did it  would've been worse! Bakugo probably won't wake up for a while. For now the two of you should stay here and rest." she ordered as she stopped smacking the hero. "Yes ma'am."

"And i can't believe you aren't doing anything about this (L/n)!" the woman fumed and waddled out of the door. (Y/n)s eyes flashed bright blue and flickered, a sinister smirk spread across her face. "Oh yeah? Who said that old lady?" In a flash—she was already pulling on All Mights two strands of hair that were stood up. She repeatedly smacked the shit out of him—both sides of her hand.

Surprisingly, it hurt him and he was struggling against her. "Ah! Please, i'm sorry young (Y/n)!" he tried to tug his hair back but she had a tight grip on it. "Like hell Bitch Might!" she continued until her hand and his cheeks started to comically smoke. She bared her teeth at him like a dog—he held his cheeks in pain 'So merciless and brutal!' the girl let his hair go and her phone started ringing.

She sent a pointed glare at the blonde "This isn't over blondie." she walked over to her bad and took out her phone. Junior!...is calling. She slid the green button across the bottom half of her screen and walked out of the infirmary with a small smile. 'She changes moods so quickly! But i can admit, i can't wait to see these three get stronger.' All Might stared at the trio with fondness.

"What's up? Is something wrong? Why are you calling this late? Is everyone okay?" she immediately bombarded the curly haired boy and could practically hear him roll his eyes from the other line. "We're fine dumbass, tia wanted to know if you passed the exam." she turned the corner. "Really? Or did you want to know too?" Another sigh "Okay okay, yeah, i passed the exam."

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