81 - red tears

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One Week Later

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One Week Later

"What's up with Bakugo? Another fight?" Mina pointed at the ragged ash blonde boy, "Try to keep up girls, have a look at Todoroki." Kaminari pointed at the dual haired boy whom (Y/n) was placing bandaids on. "Wah! What a waste of those good looks!! What happened?" He was busy taking out his Math A notebook, "There you go Shoto." He smiled softly at her, "Guess the provisional licensing course is running them ragged," Kaminari again. "I didn't know it'd be so physically grueling!" Bakugo starting banging his fists on the desk, "Stop gossiping you jerks!!"

"Class is about to begin!! Where are Uraraka and Tsuyu?! And (Y/n)!! Why aren't you wearing your uniform?! Or at least some form of it!?" She was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants, she didn't even have motivation to do her hair to some extent. "Their absences are excused, and I was too busy doing something president." She say down and pulled out her notebooks and pen. "How's the work study, Midork- study?! You really working with some chick in a pervy costume? Tell me what (Y/n) wore!" Midoriya just hummed absentmindedly.

"How long're you doing it for? Can I join?" Mina moved her arms around, "Uh-huh." Bakugo slapped his hands over his ears, "Stop talking 'bout how you're getting ahead of me." (Y/n) stared at her hands, she traced the scars outlines with her pen and continued to fill in her skeleton tattoo with red ink. Her head started throbbing, she shut her eyes and inhaled. When she exhaled, she opened her eyes, only to find blood dripping from them. She shot up in a panic , "(Y/n)...are you okay?" She turned to her classmates and thickly swallowed.

They were all skeletons with worry plastered on their facial bones. "Yeah, fine. Just thought I saw something." She looked away and sat back down, then glanced towards them again. They went back to normal, and then she looked at her hands. They didn't have blood on them anymore, 'What was that all about?' During the rest of the school day—she watched Midoriya fail to come down to Earth. He was seemingly in a haze all day, it was odd, yeah, but her mind went back to All Might. He was acting weird towards her, and he was trying to conceal it.

The sun was close to setting when she decided to go on a walk, 'He looked guilty, now that I think about it. But why?' She stuffed her hands in her sweatpants pockets and fiddled with the bracelet that the girls from class B gave her. She still had yet to read her secret admirers letter, the new one of course. But she hadn't hesitated to drink the strawberry milk they gave her. (Y/n) sat down in boredom and stared at the path directly in front of her. 'Today's been so boring, and this whole week has me on edge. When are we going to make progress in the case?'

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