71 - Twice's Point Of View

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Day After The Exam

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Day After The Exam

Knowing who you are, is what really matters.

Strolling off to work with a satisfied expression...that's no good. A blonde man with a loose tank top inhaled the toxic smoke of his cigarette as he peered down—looking at a man with a black case and a wide smile. I think it's lovely, every stinkin' one of them's just another model citizen! What'm i doing, you ask? Just my usual routine, something real special. My day starts when i grab a smoke and do some people watching. It's been half a month since the fight that forced All Might to retire in Kamino, Kanagawa.

And the fight that killed (Y/n)-chan, the last time we saw her was during her funeral. People are still shocked she actually came back, day after day the talking heads on the TV and the internet stroke the fires of unease with their constant blabbering. "Surely we're going to see changes in our day to day lives, at this point we ought' to be looking into how those changes will present themselves and what we can do to prepare." A man with a single horn—his probable other, cut off—spoke on the screen.

You're different Miyagi, i respect you, i don't. If we're being honest, i think All Might just got too big for our own good. So big that we lost all sight of things, just like they're already trying to lean onto (Y/n)-chan for support, and she's still so young. The TV's headlines changed, (Y/n) (L/n) strikes again, this time with her heroes license! Our very own blue blur of hope. Right. You wanna talk change? For the average person, that's a big one—the one who took over as the number one hero...Endeavor.

Most of the growing unease centers on him, and it makes sense. He's not the kind of person the public can readily accept, "Look, it's not that i've really got anything against Endeavor, you know? Still, you can't help but compare the guy to All Might." A man with messy hair rubbed his neck. In a word, he's too rough. As for what i think...he's just an average guy playing super hero. He's a real superhero, the crown just sort of fell onto his unqualified head. It's not a good situation for him either.

"Maybe if you dumbasses wouldn't have relied too much on All Might—he wouldn't have pushed himself too far. Though that's more of his fault, Endeavor might be a little bitch but it doesn't mean that he's no good at his job. So maybe you all should stop complaining and deal with it. Change happens all the time, if you can't accept it when it's simple enough then you're just a little wuss. Todoroki-san will do his job correctly, if not, i'll just have to have a talk with him." Ah, it's (Y/n)-chan, she's right—she always is, she looks a little tired though.

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