118 - "Sir Nighteye?"

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"Is it over?"

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"Is it over?"

"What kind of dumbass would ask that question? Of course it is."

"Don't bully Kaminari, Bakugo. You're wrong anyways." The heroes watched as the body disintegrated into speckles of light and blasted back into the sky. "What do you mean I'm wrong??!" (Y/n) ignored him and placed her hands on her hips. "I think I teleported," she scrunched her eyebrows in contemplation. She turned on her heel, now perfectly fine. Still sparking off some electricity though. Suddenly, she glared at everyone that was there. More specifically, her class, Eri, Lucerito, Kitty Kitty, Kenji, Kouki and Aito. There was fire behind those eyes, they could see it.

"Don't glare at us like that! We were supposed to be here in the first place!" Sero reminded before they could face any more of her fury. "Ah, you're right." So then, she glared at Eri. Lucerito, Kitty Kitty, Kenji, Kouki and Aito. A very stern glare. Kitty Kitty was the first to look away from it, followed by Eri, Kenji and Kouki. She glared harsher at Lucerito. "Que chingados crees que estabas pensando, Lucero? Yo te dije no? Que los cuidaras. Yo confié en ti, y mira lo qué pasó." She crossed her arms and snapped her fingers, "This ain't over yet kid."

"Sácate. Beat it, I can't have you here when this shit hits." She didn't want to be mad at her cats, she really didn't. But it would always be their life over hers, and she knows damn well they understood that. The grey furred cat gave a sassy move of its tail and walked away. "Don't flick your tail at me boy," she flared her nostrils at the cat. Then she looked at Eri, the little girl looked down, knowing what she did. "Eri." She flinched. (Y/n)'s biceps tensed. "I said I would come back for you. Yet you came to me, you have to trust me from now on Eri. You don't have to worry about me. I'm supposed to be protecting you."

"Not the other way around. Got that?"

"Sorry (Y/n)..."

"It's fine Eri. Go on back to U.A. Kitty will take you. Lucero, ven aquí y llévala contigo." A loud whine and (Y/n) gifted the cat a hard stare. "It wasn't a question, it was an order." A hiss. "Que te dije." The cat gave in, the rest around them shivered. And that's when her gaze landed on the three, they could feel it too, they tensed. "You're supposed to be at U.A."

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