99 - 'I won't let you down.'

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"I feel like this is too good to be true, someone pinch me

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"I feel like this is too good to be true, someone pinch me." Mai was red in the face and ready to pass out on the living room couches. Kouki gladly pinched her and she snarled at him. "What?? You said "someone pinch me" so I did." He shrugged his shoulders. The kids watched (Y/n) run around with her quirk doing speedy renovations and installing new things. The outside of the orphanage was left beautiful, they could see a little blue butterfly flutter it's wings outside and land on a flower that was planted. 'This is a lot.' It just basically wasn't so dull anymore, the grass was greener and the sun was shining.

Maybe it would be a good day, but the blue haired girl didn't want to jinx herself just yet. Everything was fresh and new looking, it felt even more like home to the kids. Wind rushed past them all of a sudden—it was her again, she pulled the clogged sink apart, took out the gunk and put it all back in less than a blink of an eye. "She's so fast..." Kenji was intrigued, everyone else in the room could say the same. "But it doesn't seem like she's using her quirk..." Kouki furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes, shouldn't there be electricity and bright flashes of blue flashing all around her?

"Hmm...you're right Kou," Aito crossed his arms and realized that it was a blur of just her, not her quirks. Speaking of the girl, she rushed past them again and stood in front of Mr. and Mrs.Hanako with a smile and her hands intertwined behind her back. "I'm finished," she quickly wiped the paint off of her jaw and beamed the sun at them again. The elders squinted, "Good job (L/n)." The woman didn't dare try to pat the girl's head, she wouldn't be able to reach whatsoever. So they both settled with a shoulder pat, "Take my kids to school and you can head on back to U.A."

The two went back to their office, "Mm. I don't wanna go back to U.A right now..." Her mind went back to everyone freaking out because she wasn't there the whole weekend, she rolled her eyes and turned to the teens staring at her. It was silent for some seconds, (Y/n) blinked, some more seconds and she blinked again. "Um...so..I should get you guys to school now," she tapped her hands on her thighs. They snapped out of it, "R-Right! Let's introduce ourselves first!" A girl with her hair in a ponytail bounced over to her with a beaming him, "You can call me Chiyo!" She bowed but the other quickly pushed her back up.

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