24 - "Look at me Endeavor!"

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'Of course Midoriya won

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'Of course Midoriya won.' The dual haired boy shoved his hands in his pockets as he continued his walk towards the entrance tunnel. It was his match next after all, when he turn the corner he paused. "What do you want?" The youngest Todoroki child stared at the flaming figure that leaned on the wall of the hallway. "You're acting disgraceful Shoto."

"If you simply use the power in your left side, you would've had an overwhelming victory in both of the first rounds. It's time to stop this childish rebellion of yours— you have a duty to surpass that imbecile All Might. Do you understand what im saying? You're different from your siblings, you're my greatest master piece!" the boy only clenched his fists.

"Is that all you have to say you bastard? I'll win this match and advance only using moms quirk. I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me use yours." The dual haired boy felt himself shake with anger as he walked past his so called father. (Y/n) heard everything, she had water bottle in her hand— it melted and the water evaporated. She could hear Hizashi announce Sero and Todoroki.

"He'll understand soon." She heard the man grumble to himself— she walked forward and turned the corner. Endeavor was just barely turning around, there was a harsh whipping sound— his cheek stung badly. The blue haired girl had backslapped the number two hero, she hasn't felt so angry before. She was still thinking about her darling situation but right now that didn't matter at all.

The flaming figure grabbed the girls right wrist with his temperature heating up "Who do you think you are slapping me little girl!" he sneered at her as his flames rose. (Y/n) flexed the wrist he had in his hand— there was a snap, maybe it was in her mind or maybe it was because of the now bruising purple— broken wrist. "You're a piece of shit."

"That's not all you are, you're a fucking abuser, a murderer— you're only number two because of your stupid quirk." she wasn't making eye contact whatsoever, the shadow of her bangs covered her eyes. Endeavor was taken aback "Stop spitting such lies child! You know nothing, you're just a little girl who doesn't know better!"

He gripped her wrist harder "What you did to Touya was disgusting, i hate you. Maybe even more than your own children do— because i saw everything you did. It drives me insane of how i couldn't help them all those years ago, but so help me i will throw myself into hell before i leave them with you. You won't touch my darlings ever again— don't worry though, i hope you don't get too depressed."

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