37 - her charm

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Hosu General Hospital

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Hosu General Hospital

"Did you sleep well (Y/n), Midoriya?" the dual haired boy question as he sat up on the hospital bed slowly. The latters turned to him "Not really." they responded in unison. "I figured, me neither." he sighed and the blue haired girl pursed her lips."Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing."

The green haired boy gazed at the ceiling. 'it must've been scary for them. They've never faced that much bloodlust before.' she sat up on the bed. "Yeah, i agree." Shoto criss crossed his legs. "After everything that happened back there—it's kind of feels like a miracle we're even still alive. With my leg messed up, i was an easy target—he probably could've killed me if he really wanted to."

"It seems to me he let us both live on purpose,
i'm impressed by you though Iida. He was actually trying to murder you but you stood tall" the dual haired boy—complimented? Was that a compliment—other than that they turned to the blue haired class rep. 'Standing tall? Yeah sure, as if he didn't get his ass beat by Chizome.' she shifted her position to dangle her top body off of the bed— making her see upside down.

"That's not true, i was-" Iida was cut off from responded as the door opened— the ex-vigilante sat up to see who it was. "Oh, so the injured youngings are awake." she heard a gruff voice announce. "Gran Torino!" Midoriya exclaimed in surprised. "And manual too..." The class rep trailed off "You idiot, i could yell at you for hours right now."

The freckled boy was about to apologize but was cut off "Before i do, you've got a visitor." the yellow caped pro pointed out and a man? Dog? In a suit walked in the hospital room. "This is Hosus Chief of Police— Kenji Tsuragame." The four teens immediately stood up, but Midoriya struggled because of his leg. "No, please stay seated—woof."

'...woof?..' The Chief of Police continued "So you're the U.A students that brought down the hero killer huh? Stain had some serious injures—severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." (Y/n) pursed her lips 'They really hurt him...i said i would visit but he's in no condition right now so when he heals up.'

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