73 - "I'll fake god."

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"Starting a fight the night after your exam? I'm happy to hear that you've got energy for that

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"Starting a fight the night after your exam? I'm happy to hear that you've got energy for that." All Might panicked behind Aizawa who had Bakugo, Midoriya and (Y/n) wrapped up in his capture tape. "Wait Aizawa, don't tie them up just yet..! I'm actually the cause of all this." She grimaced as she had accidentally got a taste of the capture weapon. 'So nasty! Doesn't he wash this thing?! I don't even want to imagine how his sleeping bag is!' The black haired man glanced over to the blonde, "Oh? You're the cause?" Comical lightning flashed behind all of them.

"Hey hey! Wait! Why am i in trouble?! I didn't even do anything." They all ignored the blue haired girl—making her fume as the two adults whispered to each other. "But letting them get away with breaking the rules isn't something i can do, who started it?" She grumbled under her breath as Aizawa stared them down, "Me." Bakugo answered bluntly, "But i also got pretty worked up." Midoriya added after, "You're on lockdown! Four days for Bakugo and three for Midoriya. During that time you'll clean the communal spaces, morning and night! Also, i want written apologies from the both of you!"

"And head to the infirmary before those injuries get worse!" He unraveled his capture tape from the boys, but tightened it on (Y/n). "But don't rely on the old lady's quirk unless it's major. You got hurt on your own so figure out how to get better on your own!" He exhaled, "That's all, go to sleep! I have to have a talk with (Y/n)." She herself frowned, she watched as they hurriedly left the room. "What were you thinking (Y/n)..?!" She looked down and grit her teeth, 'Here we go again.' He grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look up.

"Look at yourself (Y/n), you're destroying your body!" He grabbed her arms and held them up—he neared them to her face. She looked away with her lips in a wobbly line. "You can't just keep going over the limit you know you have, these quirks—you have to control them. Otherwise, i don't know if you'll even make it to next year! You're always bleeding, do you seriously think that's normal?!" She screwed her eyes shut, "And?! When did you suddenly worry so much about what i did?! Last time i checked you only cared about hurting your own family!!"

"So don't you dare tell me what to do when i don't even know you at all anymore! What happened to you anyways?! What happened to all those years that we spent—are they all gone or something?! They must be, for you to throw it away so quickly! Bakugo's getting better at expressing his emotions—not that well but today was a start! I'll do the same, if you want me to admit it—i was jealous okay?! You don't like how i spend time with All Might because you get jealous too, how'd it feel?!"

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