48 - "You're my darling...right?"

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bubble pop electric—gwen stefani

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bubble pop electric—gwen stefani

"What? Some class A kids are getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?! Huhh? How weird is that! Every knows class A is totally superior to class B, but now this?! Wow—!" Monoma was knocked out by Kendo, he fell to the ground "Sorry

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"What? Some class A kids are getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?! Huhh? How weird is that! Every knows class A is totally superior to class B, but now this?! Wow—!" Monoma was knocked out by Kendo, he fell to the ground "Sorry..." she apologized and picked him up by the back of his shirt, while also grabbing his suitcase. "You're scary Monoma." A girl with pale grey hair thought out loud.

"We don't resent you for all that stuff from the sports festival, glad to be working with you class A." another one of the girls from class B smiled and another next to her hummed. Mineta slobbered all over his arm "A bountiful babe buffet." he made a perverted expression. "You're starting to cross the line." Kirishima grumbled out and picked the purple toddler up by his collar. "Class A's bus is this way. Please line up in order!" there class rep called out for their attention.

"Oh! Actually, hold on!" they paused and turned back to face some of the class B members. "Where is (L/n)?" the girl peeked out from behind her dual haired friends figure. "Uh, right here." she waved at them and Kendo went up to her with a fairly medium sized pastel pink box. She placed it in the girls hands "It's from your secret admirer!" the girls posed with a sparkly pink aura.

(Y/n) rose an eyebrow and looked back down at the pink box "Secret...admirer? Did you get the wrong person, surely enough this isn't for me." she tried to hand the box back but failed as it was pushed back. "Better believe it! Wait—is that a dinosaur pin?! Oh my god where did you get it!" a girl with dark green hair and the same colored eyes along with pointy teeth, sort of like Kirishimas got closer excitedly.

"Oh alright, but i got it from this one store..what was it called? Oh! Its called [random store]." the blue haired girl recalled and rummaged through her pockets. She took her hand out and presented multiple cute cartoon dinosaur clothing pins to the girls of class B. "Here, i bought too much because i kept losing them. But you like dinosaurs right? Take them, you can match with your classmates."

Their eyes sparkled 'So dreamy and nice..!' Tokage cupped her hands and the pins poured into them. "Thank you!" (Y/n) gave them a charming smile and their faces flushed "No problem, but the secret admirer thing—it's a person from your class right?" Kodai nodded "They were sort of scared to give it to you in person, you look pretty intimidating." She sweat dropped at the blunt response.

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