51 - in her genes, faliure, twist endings

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"Villains are attacking

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"Villains are attacking."

The trios body along with the area around them glowed a faint pink. "Everyone, two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming, everyone return to camp immediately. We're regrouping, do not engage with any enemies." (Y/n) got goosebumps at the unfamiliar sensation of someone's mental quirk being used on her. "Villains.." Bakugo gave a scary grin and she rolled her eyes.

"We can't engage dumbass." she ran a hand through her long bangs and grabbed a long clip from her pocket—she clipped them back. "You don't tell me what to do chain girl." he kept the same grin. She quickly grew annoyed "For the love of god, could you stop thinking your untouchable for once in your life? Didn't you hear? Or do i have to smack some sense into you? Villains attacked where Mandalay was and there could be more."

"Look, just because you think you're better than me—doesn't mean that you actually are. So why don't you guys just run along back to camp, i'll stay here and take care of these stupid villains all by myself." He was getting on her last nerve, she grabbed him by his hair and pushed him down. "And you still think that i think im better than you? Sorry! I didn't hear you over your inferiority complex screaming!"

It was his turn to grab her by the hair—they struggled in each other's grips. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up already?!" he pulled on her sweater and she dug her nails into his cheeks. "And why don't you just grow the hell up already?! You're such a fucking child!" Shoto ignored their arguing and stared at something in the bushes near them.

He squinted to get a closer look, then, his eyes widened and he quickly went over to the two. The boy pushed Bakugo back and (Y/n) off "Guys!" he yelled out—frustrated with their constant yelling.

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