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Yao Ye has only been in this hospital for more than a month, and has only met An Ling a few times, but because of An Ling’s outstanding external characteristics, every aspect impressed him.

An Ling is close to two meters tall and is a huge man. In this small town where the average male height is less than 1.7 meters, An Ling can still stand out from the crowd.

Even if he wears old-style security uniforms, he can still match his good looks. The figure, the whole body muscles are tight but not exaggerated, the lines are smooth, very oppressive.

If his limbs are as healthy as an ordinary person, such a strong physique would be very popular among women, but it is a pity that An Ling has a disability on his left leg, and there is a black birthmark covering half of his face, which looks very hideous. Fear, coupled with such a tall body shape, on the contrary, makes people scared and unhappy.

It is precisely because of this defect that An Ling has a low status in the hospital.

Even though he is kind and often helps doctors and nurses carry heavy medical equipment, no one likes him. What’s more, he deliberately throws a lot of chores that An Ling shouldn’t do to him and laughs at him wantonly.

In the face of everyone’s malice, An Ling just endured it silently, without resisting at all.

Yao Ye saw all this in his eyes, and he felt a sense of mourning his misfortune and hating him. In fact, it was not that he had never thought of helping this big guy, but none of the people involved had the intention to resist. He could intervene by an outsider. What’s the use? Mostly it will be a nosy end.

In short, compared with the bullying suffered by An Ling, the small setbacks Yao Ye suffered from being squeezed out by colleagues are nothing at all.

To put it bluntly, Yao Ye really used this some time ago to comfort himself who had been tripped secretly by his colleagues.

“No, nothing, don’t bother you, Doctor Yao.”

The big guy named An Ling was dressed in a neat security uniform. The blue long-sleeved uniform on his upper body was stained with water stains, especially the forearm part of his left hand, which was all soaked and steaming in the warm room. The skin under the cloth must have a large wound.

In the face of this injury that was enough to make ordinary people feel painful, An Ling was very tolerant.

He covered the burn on his arm with his other intact hand, and shrank his head cowardly, cowering as if he had made some serious mistake.

“It’s because I walked too quickly, I didn’t look at the way, I’m sorry, I’m sorry Doctor Yao…”

An Ling lowered her head habitually, apologized repeatedly, and looked terrified.
Only the red ear tips hidden in the short black hair exposed the turbulent waves in his heart, and Yao Ye’s warm body getting closer and closer attracted all his attention.
While Yao Ye was observing his injuries, An Ling secretly raised his eyes to look at Yao Ye, who was concerned in front of him, relying on his height advantage. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and his brain was blank.

Although, An Ling thought from the bottom of her heart that she shouldn’t be close to Dr. Yao, who was ugly, and even this vain attempt to get close was disgusting.
But he still couldn’t suppress the deep love in his heart. He almost greedily stared at Yao Ye, who looked concerned in front of him, and traced Yao Ye’s soft cheek outline over and over again with his eyes.

Dr. Yao, the first time Dr. Yao was so close to him… It would be great if you could stay with Dr. Yao like this forever, even if it was just talking.

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