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Ellen is an unloved child, from the beginning.

As a baby, Ellen discovered this fact. Both the father and the mother were extremely cold towards themselves. No matter they were crying or smiling, they could not get the caress of their parents.

At that time, Ellen, who was often kept in a dim room for self-examination, was very crying.

But his cry usually drew his mother's scolding and whip, and his father's beating and scolding, so he learned to laugh later.

Later, when he grew up, everyone told him that all he had to do was smile, and smile would make his parents like him.

However, the parents still did not.

It doesn't matter, Ellen, who likes to read fairy tales, knows that this is only temporary. Sooner or later, he will be like the protagonist in the story and will have a happy ending.

In the crowded utility room, the scarred Ellen is holding the fairy tale book, happily looking forward to a bright future, and a beautiful princess spends the rest of her life with him, sharing all the joy and pain.

Later, a car accident took away his mother.

Ellen still remembers that at that time, both his father and mother were injured. When he was only ten years old, he tilted his head and looked at the blood on his mother's neck and the resentful expression on his face, and smiled lightly.

"It's beautiful red."

The emerald pupils of his mother were also dyed red, and the flames were as hot as the flames, and the mother, who had always been indifferent, finally became warm to him. Ellen was really happy.

The rescuers who were so happy that they forgot to call the car should be careful not to open the door-because that would make the iron spur on the mother's chest deeper.

Puff-blood splattered the entire carriage.

After the car accident, Ellen lost both legs and his father got rid of the shackles.

He married a new wife, Ellen's stepmother.

The stepmother is very similar to her mother, even the way she treats Ellen is very similar, scolding and reprimanding, flogging and ignoring.

Ellen was sad because he still failed to get the love of his parents.

But he was also very happy, because he felt that his life finally looked like a fairy tale, didn't he have a vicious stepmother?

Then, will the princess also come?

[Still not here~]

Ellen looked at the body of his father, who committed suicide in despair after bankruptcy, and closed the door sadly.

"Bastard! What did you do to my dear!"

The stepmother was very excited after seeing the corpse. She knocked on Ellen's door and asked heartbreakingly why he didn't stop her father's suicide just now.

"Father is very happy, why stop it~"

Ellen tilted his head inexplicably, and as usual, an angelic smile appeared on his porcelain white cheeks.

The stepmother broke down and cut through Ellen's skin with a knife. She kept talking about words like "demon" and "someone who shouldn't exist" that Ellen didn't understand.

Then, in order to purify the devil, the stepmother put a rope around Ellen's neck and tightened her arms with a hideous face.

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