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Recently, Yao Ye always hears strange sounds.

don’t know if it was because of the weird space before, he became more and more sensitive, and even a little movement could startle him.

boom! !

Another sound of heavy objects hitting the ground sounded, and Yao Ye shrank on the sofa in shock, raising his eyes to the direction of the sound from upstairs.

This kind of sound appeared again…every time before, the husband would tell him that it was just the sound of some debris falling, or simply told him that there was no sound at all.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye frowned, walked to the stairs, and looked up.

The stairs with dark carpets stretched up, and the corridor at the end was empty, and the light was so dim that it made people shudder.

“Shili? Did something happen upstairs?”

With that said, Yao Ye was about to go upstairs to check the situation.

He was really curious about what had fallen that caused such annoying crashing sound, or was he really nervous and had auditory hallucinations?

“Yao Yao, are you hungry?”

Just when Yao Ye walked a few steps,‘Shili’ came to the top of the stairs.

He stood on the stairs and looked at his wife with a gentle smile, but the pitch-black pupils who looked down from above made Yao Ye slightly uncomfortable.

“… Well, kind of.”

Yao Ye was taken aback for a while and then nodded, and then asked: “By the way, what did you do upstairs just now? I heard strange noises again…”

‘Shili’ walked down the stairs and hugged his wife with a longing and contented expression on his face.

He whispered: “There are mice on it, so the movement was a bit louder accidentally, Yao Yao was scared?”

Yao Ye blinked, leaned against her husband, and shook his head.

“No, I thought I was hearing voices again.”

After a pause, Yao Ye frowned strangely and said, “Actually, I wanted to ask for a long time, do you smell any strange smell… Recently you always smell…”

Especially upstairs, no matter where you go, you will smell a weird smell. The smell is not enough, but it is a bit weird. If you have to describe it, it is like…the meat that has been frozen for a long time in the refrigerator. It’s cool.

Hearing Yao Ye’s question, the pale-skinned “husband” lifted his lips, smiling brightly and cheerfully.

“Weird smell? No, are you hungry? I’ll make you some good food, okay?”

After finishing speaking, “Shi Li” tilted his head and licked and kissed his wife’s soft lips, breathing hot.

“Or, Yao Yao wants to do something else?”

The big hand of’Shili' rubbed Yao Ye’s waist, his eyes deep.

Yao Yao’s body is all the smell of another guy…Tsk!

That damn guy…

Yao Ye was unsteady in his breathing by Shi Li, and he forgot the doubts he had just now. He tried to remove Shi Li’s hand on his waist, flushing on his white cheeks, and said helplessly: “Be serious, it’s noon, I’m hungry, I have enough in the morning…”

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now