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In the workplace where people come and go, the sound of keyboard percussion is endless.

Yao Ye was sitting at his work station and typing words one after another, unable to concentrate at all.

He stopped his fingers on the keyboard, his eyes trembled, and looked not far behind him.

‘Alexander’ was standing at the drinking fountain to receive water, but the expressionless face was directly facing him, making people creepy.

Anyone with long eyes can see who ‘Alexander’ is looking at. For a while, the employees in the office cast quietly prying eyes.

Perceiving all this, Yao Ye looked away in melancholy, and continued to type tremblingly.

After that, ‘Alexander’ came repeatedly to pick up water several times. Although he had a separate water dispenser in his office, he seemed to particularly like this one shared by everyone in his workroom. It seemed like he was addicted to drinking.

Yao Ye was tossed with nervous breakdown by this repeated footsteps, and was unable to concentrate on work all morning.

Of course, part of the reason is the colleagues around him.

Anyone with a bit of a brain can understand how deliberately ‘Alexander’’s actions were. The eyes clinging to Yao Ye almost yelled at him and Yao Ye had a leg.

Facing the strange eyes of the people around him, Yao Ye felt that he didn’t need to argue anymore, and was completely labelled by them as unspoken rules.

In this way, a muddled day passed.

During the period, Yao Ye tried to ignore the perverted boss who was always peeping in the dark, and whispered with colleagues, cheered up and completed the work of the day.

Because of what happened today, no predecessors will give him more tasks, so he got off work smoothly on time.

Yao Ye, who got off work at eight o’clock on time for the first time, was almost moved to cry, and even wanted to compromise. It would be a good deal if he could get rid of such terrible tracking and bullying by the company’s seniors by unspoken rules.

After get off work, Yao Ye hurriedly left the company and kept looking back all the way. As expected, he found the figure of ‘Alexander’ behind him.

Looking at the annoying face of ‘Alexander’, Yao Ye began to miss the stalker who used to cook for people before. At least he was gentle, unlike this guy, who kept his face cold and murderous all day long.

Like yesterday, Yao Ye quickly got into a subway car and escaped before’Alexander' could follow.

Looking at ‘Alexander’ standing outside the subway car, Yao Ye let out a long sigh of relief.

After returning home smoothly, Yao Ye stretched out on the sofa with exhaustion and sighed looking at the French windows on the left side of the living room and the dim sky outside the French windows.

It is the first time have seen the sky at this time since joined this company to work.

Yao Ye stared blankly at the moonlight outside the window. The moonlight was still soft as water against the neon lights.

Suddenly, Yao Ye blinked and noticed something wrong.

No, before the French windows, was it this color?

Yao Ye got up, walked closer, picked up a corner of the curtain, and saw a pink.

How did his curtains turn pale pink?

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