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After crying for a while, Yao Ye was persuaded by Mingyun to leave the morgue. When he walked to the entrance of the hospital, Mingyun stopped abruptly.

With a trace of apology on his pale face, he looked at Yao Ye who was in a daze, and said softly: “…I seem to have forgotten things in the hospital, Yao Ye, you go to the car and wait for me first, the driver is there, I Come later, okay?”

Yao Ye was still immersed in grief and couldn’t help himself. He just nodded listlessly and walked to the parked car in front of the hospital.

Mingyun watched the cute little cat walk away before turning back to the hospital morgue.


The brisk footsteps of men resounded through the empty corridor.

The pale man with black hair walked straight into the room where the corpse of his “brother” was stored, looked at the cold and broken corpse, his mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, the pale corpse was covered with Yu Zi’s face, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The bloodshot eyes were full of grievances.
He seemed to want to sit up, or curse, but the fragile body joints were not enough for him to make any movements. He could only lie on the morgue bed stiffly, waiting for his body to grow completely.

“Tsk tusk–it’s so miserable, it became so broken, it must be uncomfortable to repair it, but it just happens to be able to experience my original mood!”

Seeing Mingan’s miserable appearance, the smile on the corner of Mingyun’s mouth became even brighter. He pretended to make a crying expression with pity, full of mockery.

“Chuck–Uh–” Mingan made a strange noise in his unrepaired throat, and seemed to hate it to the extreme.

Mingyun approached Mingan, her eyes widened involuntarily, her face distorted from excessive excitement: “Now… let me help you… the deceased should go where the deceased should go, right? Hohoho——!! !”

Two men with extremely similar faces looked at each other, and even the hatred in their eyes was surprisingly consistent, giving people a mirror-like weird feeling.
Mingyun squeezed Mingan’s neck tightly with his hands, crushing the already fragile cervical spine again.


The corpse on the morgue bed stopped shaking and became silent again.

But Mingyun had no plans to stop.

He frowned in disgust as he watched the broken limbs that were still growing and repairing, then put on the gloves he had prepared beforehand and took out a folding knife.

“Tsk, what a monster, I am still uneasy when I die…”

He had to use this method to prevent him from resurrecting.

Noisy—the strange sound of cutting leather rang from the morgue, and the smell of blood spread.

After a long time, Mingyun finally stopped, and satisfactorily put away the blood-stained gloves, and casually called the funeral home, asking them to move the body as soon as possible.

It’s time for him to go home, the cute little cat is still waiting for him at home, there is no time to waste on this monster.

Outside the hospital, Yao Ye sat quietly in the carriage. The driver also knew that something had happened to his host’s house, and he also waited silently, knowing that it was time for mental weakness.

After a while, Mingyun finally came back. Yao Ye glanced at him, and the exhaustion on his face was still hard to fade.

“Let’s go, I want to go home.”

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now