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Yao Ye retreated to the bedroom in fright, his face paled suddenly.

It’s over, it’s retribution.

Mingan must know what happened between him and Mingyun, so he came back to revenge.

Yao Ye became more frightened as he thought about it, his face was full of fear, and he was almost frightened as he looked at the scorched corpse standing at the door.

“…You, don’t be like this Mingan, I, I thought you would be with Mingyun only when you die…” Yao Ye cried with rain.

“I didn’t do anything when you were alive, I didn’t cuckold you…”

Yao Ye tried his best to behave innocently, hoping that Mingan wouldn’t put him in a mess.

However, who can guess the idea of a ghost, at least Yao Ye can’t guess it.

He was sobbing, with red eyes, wishing to faint now and not have to face this terrible scene of ghost revenge.

With his body burned and his limbs inconsistent, Mingan stared at Yao Ye with his slowly returning to normal eyes. The skin on his face grew rapidly, forming a thin layer of flesh, but he still couldn’t hide the horror. Flesh and blood wound.

He moved his stiff body, a weird breath sounded in his throat, and he seemed to be smiling, his face was red mixed with flesh-colored skin and muscles twitched, revealing a terrible smile: “It’s okay… Dead, we…can happily…live together again…”

Mingan knows that he loves his baby deeply, and his baby loves him deeply.

Before, the baby was just bewitched by that monster. Now, the monster is dead…so, he won’t care…

Mingan thought this way and continued to laugh, as if he had forgotten how he angrily scratched the monster’s face when he had learned everything just now, mixing its brain into a paste.

He thinks he looks at his lovely lover with great magnanimity, and wants his lover to show the same beautiful smile as before.
Yao Ye was almost frightened by the weird and terrifying smile on Mingan’s face. He only felt that his legs were soft and it was impossible to laugh, but he almost cried.

Mingan walked slowly to Yao Ye. Those dead eyes were full of almost paranoid infatuation and love for Yao Ye. He stretched out a skeleton-like hand covered in shriveled flesh and wanted to caress his lover’s pale Cheeks.

Yao Ye looked at the burnt so badly that it could only belong to the palm of the dead man, backing away with cold sweat on his face, until he could not retreat, his feet were soft, and he fell limp beside the bed in the bedroom.

“Leave me…oooo…please…” Yao Ye cried and begged for mercy, but still couldn’t stop Mingan from coming closer.

Mingyun’s body was lying on the bed, where Yao Ye fell just facing his head. He turned his head in a panic and instantly met the two excavated blood holes on Mingyun’s face. Has disappeared.

Even the scalp was torn raw, revealing the bright red muscles and brain inside.

Yao Ye, who witnessed the bloody scene with his own eyes, was full of fear and screamed again.

Unprecedented fear made his adrenaline soar, and the courage he didn’t know where it came from, kicked Mingan, who was about to bend down close to him, and crawled out of the master bedroom.

Mingan was kicked to the bed. He was a little sad about his resistance, but he decided to forgive his beloved baby because he loved his baby so much, more than his life.

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