5.16 (end)

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On the rust-grown operating table, red and black blood was ticking down. In this empty abandoned classroom, the atmosphere seemed more and more tranquil and terrifying.

Blank stood in front of the operating table, stroking himself, his lover’s cheek enamoredly.

When think that this is Ye’er’s body, Blank can’t help but feel the urge to touch, just like a patient with severe skin hunger.

“Happy? Ye’er!”

The blank voice carried a little excitement and expectation.

Yao Ye choked silently: “You take away the hand that touched my face! Although there are layers of protective clothing, it is still very dirty!”

Yao Ye had no habit of cleanliness, and was forced out by the scenes just now.

Those scumbag blood…so disgusting…

Hearing this, Blank blinked aggrievedly, and reluctantly withdrew the hand touching his face.

In order to perform the operation, it deliberately put on a pair of sterile surgical gloves on its hands. At this time, it was stained with undried blood. It complemented the pure white protective clothing on its body, and it was splashed with bright red symbolizing sin .

After retracting his hand, Blank looked down at the dog pretending to be dead on the operating table, his lips curled up.

“Well, it’s time to continue the game, everyone else must be anxious~”

In the teaching building, eight other people hiding in various classrooms hid in the corner, shivering and praying that they would survive.


The brisk footsteps reverberated in the corridor, listening to everyone’s ears, it was tantamount to a reminder.


A man dressed as a successful person with glasses shrank under the desk, shaking so much that the desk began to tremble.

“Buddha bless the Buddha…Jade Emperor Christ Jesus…”

The man with glasses trembled and prayed to all the gods he could think of.

Everything that happened today surpassed his imagination and cognition and completely collapsed him, who was originally a firm materialist.

Who could have imagined that the freak classmates who were still bullied by them a few years ago turned into ghosts who could kill them!

Thinking of this, the man in glasses shrank in fear.

In horror movies, will people who have bullied ghosts survive?

will not.

The man in glasses was so scared by his brain that he cried, his intestines were blue with regret.

knew, why would he come to this class reunion!

If you don’t come, maybe you won’t be in this stall! He is simply too unlucky!

All bad things are done by others!

He didn’t do anything, but was forced to be a follower. No matter how you look at this kind of revenge, it shouldn’t be his turn!

The man in glasses was full of sorrow and unwillingness. He completely forgot how he was a tiger in the first place and unscrupulously helped the bearded man to bully his classmates.

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