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The chaos in the small restaurant rose to its peak after the lights came on. Everyone was frightened by the way Yao Ye took the knife and the way Mui Ne crazily pinched himself.

Although don’t know what happened, everyone was at a loss for a while at this unconcealable and weird atmosphere, and then they rushed towards the door in unison.

No one wants to stay in this weird restaurant anymore, and human instinctive desire for survival urges them to flee desperately.

Yao Ye was still standing on the spot, his face was frighteningly cold, and coupled with the knife in his hand, everyone around him subconsciously avoided him. Amidst the crowds, Yao Ye was the only place that was vacant, which was particularly conspicuous.

Yao Ye looked at Xiao San Tian Teng, who had slipped to the door, and clenched the knife in his hand. His peachy eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

The stabbing was wrong just now. It must be the ghost of Shinto Rena. It seems that really like the scene of the hero saving the beauty.

Yao Ye gritted his teeth and raised the knife, preparing to do it again.

This time, we must stab the nasty ghost and make him pay the price he deserves!


Tian Teng was crowded and walked towards the door. He hadn’t reached the place yet, and when he looked back, he found that the mad murderer was looking fierce again.

He suddenly screamed and squeezed to the door, shouting words like help, very emotional.

No one is not afraid when their lives are threatened. Tian Teng is almost afraid of death, sweating profusely, and only hates his parents for missing two legs.

Panic is contagious.

Tian Teng’s fear quickly spread to others. In this small restaurant that is not spacious, the panic spreads very fast. Everyone wants to go out more and more panic, so that several people are crowded to the ground and trampled on. , Screams one after another.

Yao Ye was squeezed out of the crowd and couldn’t cut anyone with a knife, so he couldn’t help being a little irritable.

Tian Teng grabbed the door and yelled desperately: “Door! Open it, Boss! Why can’t it be opened! It’s dying! Who will call the police!”

Others also squeezed in front of the glass door, unable to open the door that is usually easy to open.

The crying and crying for a while.

Yao Ye frowned and looked at the door that couldn’t be opened, and his breathing was not smooth.

“Shinto Rena…”

In order to get the first love and not let the first love run away, actually learned the trick of chain gate!

Do you love him so much!

Yao Ye’s eyes reddened, and he couldn’t tell whether he felt more hatred or more sorrow.

He thought of his newlywed wife, who was as gentle and touching as a lily.

Although they had occasional cold wars at that time, they still had warm moments. Unlike the later conflicts that became more and more intensified, the exchanges between them became less and less until now they met in battle.

Rena… it’s Rena’s fault! If it weren’t for her arrogant disobedience and cheating, how could they have become like this.

Yao Ye’s mental state was a little unstable, and he couldn’t help crying, his eyes flushed, and sickly flushes appeared on his pale cheeks.

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