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Yuanping has always remembered everything from his youth.

Even when it becomes an inhuman existence after death, even when the emotions belonging to human beings are almost disappearing, they still cling to those memory fragments that gradually turn yellow over time.

Although most of the contents of his memory during his lifetime were dark and shadows, there were also beautiful things that he did not want to forget.

At that time, he was weak and incompetent, as despicable as a twisted maggot.

He hated his family, hated the whole town, and only resented the twisted ugliness in his heart.

At that time, he met Yao Ye.

When the clear-eyed young master reached out to him, Yuanping really felt that the whole world had become brighter, and everything was no longer the color of darkness and despair.

However, how can people who live in the dark all year round get used to the light?
People who have not seen the light for a long time yearn for the light, but when the light is really close at hand, they will be embarrassed and dare not approach it, which is extremely sad.

Because of this, when Yuanping faced the sudden goodwill, he subconsciously chose to escape from the wild, and refused the hand that wanted to pull him out of the darkness.

And this has become Yuanping’s greatest regret, and even obsession.

Every day and night after rejecting Yao Ye, Yuanping would remember the wounded eyes that Yao Ye showed after avoiding that hand.

Yuanping hated himself for causing Yao Ye to show such an expression.

He would curse himself in the dead of night, curse his existence, curse the family and town that trapped him.

He is really…a mean and disgusting guy…
It made Yao Ye so sad…

He thought about it over and over again, imagining that he and Yao Ye would have a good ending with that hand, instead of ending it hastily.

Why not hold that hand?

Even in his lifetime, the second before being swallowed by flames in the fire field, Yuanping was still thinking back unwillingly and regretfully.

He is very unwilling… why…

Even so humble self…

Why can’t we have beauty?

If… Yao Ye is his… they will always be together…

really want… really want to get… happiness…

Why can others do it?

…I hate…He is not reconciled…

The flame eventually swallowed Yuanping’s body, and Yuanping fell into a deep sleep amidst the crazy laughter of his mother and the screams of his father in the slaughterhouse.

Then, with the curse of all the creatures in the world and unwillingness to everything before his death, he woke up after death and was trapped on this small island full of sin.

He didn’t know the meaning of his awakening, but instinctively, he began to kill the ghosts that appeared in front of him and was polluted by the island over and over again.

He slaughtered all the moving things he could see on the island almost madly and numbly, because in his opinion, everything was happier than him, so he hated it.

The happiness he pursued has never been obtained again…

So what qualifications do you have?

Yuanping once thought so, and because of this, he became more and more disgusted with all the existence of the invasion of the island, and regarded killing as the meaning of his existence.

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