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The lobby on the first floor of the villa,
The awe-inspiring Li ghost seemed to be in a trance, sitting on the sofa and muttering to himself: “Kill…Kill…”

The black mist around Malicious Ghost almost condensed into substance, a cloud of black mud-like mist filled the entire hall, flooding the walls and floor of the hall like a tide.

Wherever the fog passes, the space continues to disintegrate and recover as if it collapses, turning into an old and decayed appearance, as if it has experienced countless time erosion, even the space is constantly changing.

Many ghosts and ghosts derive from the fog and are ignorant. They are born with aversion to strangers and desire for flesh and blood, and terrible wailing sounds one after another.

Sitting in the wailing of thousands of ghosts, Yunyou’s face is blurred, as terrifying as the most terrifying Satan in countless legends.

Moreover, the black mist is still spreading upward.

It is conceivable that when the mist fills the interior of the entire villa, what a terrible living space it will become.

Jiang Cai silently came to the side of the staircase corridor on the second floor. She looked at the world of purgatory in front of her, and the surprise and fear in her eyes flashed.

She did not expect that this unexpected death would widen the power gap between the two of them so much that Jiang Cai felt shivering even just looking at this gloomy ghost from a distance.


Seeing the black mist gradually spreading upwards, Jiang Cai gritted her teeth and opened her sharp fingers, sneaking downstairs with her innate ability after transforming into a ghost, trying to kill Yunyou.

She has someone to protect!

My dear is still a human being. If the mist continues to rise, he will definitely not survive!

All of this-this bastard’s fault!

If it weren’t for him, how could she have become such a ghost! How can she be with her beloved Yao Ye!

The hatred in Jiang Cai’s eyes grew deeper and deeper, and the resentment that belonged to Malicious Ghost around him also rolled over, his strength increased, almost teleported to Yunyou’s side, and Malicious Ghost’s abominable head was cut off in the next second.


The black blood was spilled, Jiang Cai was full of disbelief, her head rolled on the ground, disappearing into the constantly shattering space, and her headless body fell into the endless dimension.

The vaguely face Li Ghost retracted his cold and indifferent gaze, and continued to sit on the sofa, the mist boiled and climbed up the rock, wrapping the entire villa.

However, this should be raging everywhere, and the rampant mist stopped abruptly when it reached the attic on the third floor.

Zi La Zi La-

The harsh electrical damage disturbed Yao Ye’s clear dream.

He was awakened in the middle of the night by the rich woman last night, so that he did not sleep well, and now he was easily awakened by the sound of electrical appliances.

“what’s the situation……”

Yao Ye wore his turbulent hair, in a daze, he seemed to see spider webs on the furniture in the attic, rusty electrical appliances and sparks, and even the floor was damp, dirty and dusty.

Yao Ye was shocked sober all at once. He rubbed his eyes and looked into the attic again, only to find that everything was the same as usual, no change.

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