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Looking at the traces of himself in the mirror, Yao Ye fell into an unprecedented panic.

He finally confirmed that everything just now was true, not a nightmare, but a real horror.

The blank ghost left traces of ghosts on him, do you want to tell him that the time of death is approaching?


Yao Ye cried dejectedly, tears dripping down the soft-lined jaw, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes full of tears.

Why, why is he?

He just played a prank, why do you want to do this to him?

He didn’t intentionally cause Blank to die, he was really innocent… He didn’t want to die.

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more frightened he became. He looked at the marks on his back in the mirror, crying and wiped it with a towel, delusional to wipe off these strange marks, as if this way, the ghost who came to kill him would never come again.


Just then, the light bulb in the bathroom flashed.

Yao Ye had been staring at the back in the mirror and wiping, very focused, and did not notice the light bulb above his head.

But after the light flashed for a while, he was full of restless expression, and suddenly became extremely frightened again.

His pupils tightened, and he saw that his smooth shoulder had a pale palm rubbing against the place he was wiping, and his movements were gentle and slow, as if he could not bear the different shades of marks.


Yao Ye was startled, the towel in his hand also fell to the ground, and he looked to his side with anxiety.

No one.

The white bath bricks reflected the dim light of the bathroom. Yao Ye was completely panicked now. He looked around and felt that the whole bathroom had become ghastly and terrifying, and every shadow was hidden in it. Fear of speaking.

Could it be that the blank has not gone yet?

Yao Ye didn’t dare to stay in the bathroom any longer, he wiped off the water on his body hastily, and left the bathroom pale.

He stepped on the floor with trepidation, his teeth trembled, his eyes wandered and he looked at everything in the house, his heart was chilling.

If that ghost is still at home, what should he do?

When night comes, will the blank come and take him away?

Yao Ye didn’t dare to think anymore. He changed into a black hoodie and jeans, and rushed out of the house with his wallet.

The home is not safe anymore. For the sake of his life, Yao Ye decided to go to the small hotel outside to avoid the limelight.

Maybe if Blank can’t find him, he will let him go?

Yao Ye trot all the way with an illusion that he didn’t believe it, standing nervously in front of the elevator door waiting for the elevator.


The elevator is coming.

Yao Ye, who was standing in front of the elevator waiting to enter, felt very cold inexplicably. It was early summer, but it was as cold as winter. He was only wearing a thin hoodie, and he couldn’t help shivering from the cold.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now