6.16 (end)

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boom! ! !

With the last sound of the axe slashing, the brutal torture finally ended. The fire axe was randomly discarded to the side, and the shattered pale arm was lying quietly on the floor.

Yao Ye stood not far away in a daze. He was shaking with his fingers holding the kitchen knife just now. He felt like he was dreaming.

To be afraid, there is not much, but I feel very depressed in my heart, as if he has done something unforgivable, making his already fragile spirit even more unstable.

“Yao Yao…has been fine…”

The ‘husband’ who had coldly divided the body just now turned to look at his wife, his cold white skin was stained with bright red, and his smile was as bright as ever.

‘Shili’ opened his arms towards Yao Ye, as if expecting a hug.

He misses Yao Yao so much, Yao Yao must also miss him, he must be.

Yao Ye didn’t move. He looked at his unharmed husband, then turned his head to look at the unrecognizable corpse not far away, his expression blank.

“Shili… who is he?”

Yao Ye always felt that the people on the ground were very familiar, but he couldn’t tell where they were.

When ‘Shili’ heard the words, his narrow eyes glanced at the ghost corpse under his feet, his eyes were full of revenge, but when he looked up again, his expression had become helpless and panic.

“I, I don’t know, he suddenly broke in… with a knife in his hand, I was afraid that he would hurt Yao Yao, so I stopped him…”

‘Shi Li’ stepped forward and hugged his wife. The cool skin touched his wife’s warm skin. He couldn’t help but sighed contentedly, and then pretended to tremble in frustration: “Yao Yao…would you be afraid of me? However, I didn’t mean it… If you want to call the police, it doesn’t matter…”

The ‘husband’’s voice was extremely sad.

Yao Ye recovered, paused, and hugged her husband, speaking softly.

Although there are many doubts in what the husband said, there is no way to explain why he was so excited about the corpse, but he loves Shili, after all, he can’t see his beloved husband depressed and sad.

Rites are the most important, and the others are not important.

“It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong. We are just defending and the police will not sentence you.”

Although, Yao Ye didn’t know whether to divide the gangster after his death was considered too defensive.

Where the wife could not see, the smile on the face of the wife’s gentle and comforting “Shi Li” grew deeper, and the corners of her mouth almost reached the ears.

“Really… I knew that Yao Yao loved me, and loved me the most.”

“Shi Li” kissed the delicate skin of his wife’s neck, his eyes flowed with appalling possessiveness and love.

Yes, they are a couple who love each other, who should have lived happily forever, but they were taken apart by that damn guy…to death! ! !

The guy who prevents them from continuing to be happy deserves this ending.

No one can take Yao Yao, Yao Yao, only his, all the guys who want to snatch him, go to death!

“Shi Li” held his wife tightly in his arms, the crazy expression in his expression was not like a normal person at all.

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