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Yao Ye was so angry that he paced back and forth in the study, and finally threw the diary into the trash can with a cold face.

Shinto Rena is a rubbish, dirty guy full of lies.

Yao Ye clenched his lips tightly, his lip color becoming brighter with anger, like petals with dewdrops in the morning, delicate and beautiful.

The pale and fuzzy human form gently hugs his lover, kisses the corner of his lips obsessively, lingering forever.

Yao Jun, the angry look is also beautiful~

Yao Ye frowned, feeling a bit cold at the corners of his mouth, and licked it subconsciously, touching the tip of his tongue with coldness.

Is the sky getting colder?

Yao Ye touched his lips, didn’t take it seriously, and walked out of the study.

“Shinto Rena… heh!”

Yao Ye went back to the bedroom and found the marriage certificate of the two of them. He wanted to throw it into the trash can. He hesitated and looked at the certificate in his hand. He still put it back unwillingly.

Ghost image quietly breathed a sigh of relief: “…”

He was not reluctant, but was afraid that the certificate would be useful in the future.

Yao Ye repeated this in his heart. He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall.

It’s noon, the moving company is coming soon.

Yao Ye looked at the big and small bags that had been packed in the living room. He sat cross-legged on the tatami with a blank face. After thinking for a while, he called the moving company and told them to come back in a few days. Tian Xian shelved temporarily.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Ye’s delicate brow furrowed, and his beautiful black eyes were full of resentment.

He wanted to see how many things Shinto Rena had hidden in this house!

There must be other evidence of derailment!

Yao Ye felt that the top of his head was green, and his cold expression couldn’t help getting colder.

That pervert must have done a lot of more perverted things behind him, he needs to find evidence, and then make it public, so that he can breathe out a bad breath.

For example, the first love Tian Tengjun, he has never heard of Shinto Rena.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye walked out of the bedroom in disgust.

He must be too fond of first love, so can only miss it silently in heart, so don’t tell him these things.

Shinto Rena, really is a bad guy.

For a while, Shinobu thought more and more angry, and took a step back and thought more and more loss.

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more he felt that Shinto Rena had derailed a long time ago. At the moment, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he wished to dig Shinto Rena’s body out of the grave and whip the body.

“Shinto Rena! You cheated!…”

Yao Ye lay on the small tatami wooden table, gritted his teeth and cursed his dead wife: “You bastard…Go to hell!”

Shinto Rena, who hurt him so miserably, but finally deceived him… How could there be such a disgusting guy in this world!

The ghost who was kneeling beside her husband tilted her head and looked at her little husband helplessly.

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