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Was it a joke?

Yao Ye had seen the card, raised his head, and looked at the strange man in front of him who made him feel weird.

“It turned out to be a joke haha…”

Also, how could it happen that the husband becomes someone else? He didn’t know what he was thinking just now, and he shuddered for a moment, feeling that the husband behind him was not the original husband.

Sure enough, I thought too much.

Yao Ye forced a smile, secretly complaining that he was too sensitive and thinking too much.

In the living room, a few people froze in the hallway, and the atmosphere became quiet, quietly giving the Qiang brother and others on the side an ominous premonition that wind and rain were coming.

The head of the man named’Zhao Zheng' was slightly hanging, and his shoulders were slightly taut. He seemed to be suppressing some emotions and looked a little angry.

Yao Ye guessed that this person might also be embarrassed. He didn’t know why he cared a little about his emotions, so he wanted to speak to ease the atmosphere, but before he could speak, the husband behind him began to rush guests impatiently.

“Mr. Zhao Zheng, you are not welcome here, get out quickly!”

“Shi Li” has a cold expression, looking directly at the soul of his other half, who has been separated since he was a baby, with only deep disgust and hatred in his heart.

In this world, one gift is enough.

Watching my beloved wife talk to Shili is torture for Shili.

Ever since it regained everything that should belong to itself, it has been afraid that the happiness that it had only obtained with difficulty will suddenly disappear.

It was so scared that it would keep its eyes open and look at its beloved wife until dawn, just like when it was a ghost baby before, it didn’t want his wife to leave his sight for a moment.

And just now, it saw the wavering of its wife, and finally understood that as long as the real ritual does not disappear, everything it has now will not be stable. If it is careless, its wife will leave itself. .

Absolutely not! ! !

His wife will always belong to it… Death cannot separate them.

After hearing the words of “Shili”, Yao Ye was dumb, surprised that her husband, who had always been gentle, could say such unkind words.

“Uh, Shili, what’s the matter with you? They are here to exorcise ghosts…”

Yao Ye tried to calm her husband down. After all, these people were here to help. If they were driven away, what should they do if they can’t drive away the ghost baby.

Even if you don’t like it, be patient.

“Yao Yao… don’t you believe me?…”

Behind him, the distorted voice of’Zhao Zheng' came from behind, which was extremely strange.

Yao Ye was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at him, his expression unhappy.

“Mr. Zhao, it’s good to just play the joke once.” The husband who made the joke was jealous and can’t get off the stage now.

“I don’t know where you got this name, but this nickname is not suitable for strangers…” Only Shili could call him that.

Ho ho ho ho! ! !

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