Forever (The Finale)

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The cold wind blew, leaving only a piece of ruins in N City. Ghosts wandered among the ruins, while humans lingered in the gaps where ghosts had not reached.

How long can you live like this?

With gaunt faces and filthy bodies, the survivors searched for the leftover food among the broken walls, their eyes numb and desperate.

No one thinks they can defeat ghosts.

Mankind is about to perish, at least in this country.


The mother holding a thin child leaned back, coughing and pulling in the ruins, trying to find some food to relieve her child’s hunger.


Lifting a heavy stone with great effort, the mother wiped the sweat from her forehead and took out a can under the stone.

This is a canned dog food, not what humans should eat, but in this doomsday world, it is the supreme delicacy.

“give me!”

“Please! Ooo! Save some for my child! She is starving to death!”

The survivor next to him glared his eyes, grabbed the can, greedily opened the can, and ate it regardless of the mother’s begging on the ground.


A shocking vibration came from the distant sky, and the dead souls wandering in the ruins looked blankly in the direction of the vibration.

In the next moment, the brutal and terrifying ghosts unexpectedly showed panic expressions, and were swarmed by an invisible suction force, rushing towards the center of N City.


The survivors retreated one after another, screaming one after another.

The survivor who was busy eating canned food had no time to react, but was pierced by countless ghosts passing by, and fell to the ground instantly.

The mother and child on the ground were blocked by this body and fortunately escaped. The child picked up the canned food on the ground and gobbled it up with the mother.

Soon after eating the canned food, the mother and daughter have the energy to look in the direction where the souls are rushing.

It was a turbulent wave-like vortex, above the mid-air, dark clouds rolling, blocking the sun, and setting the entire N City like hell.

And the whirlpool kept swallowing countless souls, and the terrifying screams resounded throughout N City.

The mother and child huddled in the ruins in fear, observing the whirlpool through the cracks in the ruins.

After swallowing countless dead souls, the vortex finally stopped. It gradually calmed and dispersed, and the sky covered by dark clouds revealed sunlight again.

No, it should be said-bright.

The pure white light washed the entire sky. don’t know if it was an illusion. My mother vaguely saw a giant made of light, slowly moving further.

That is, the gods.

There was such a sentence in the mother’s heart inexplicably, a warm feeling poured from the soul into the limbs, making her feel unprecedented happiness.

Gods, only gods can do these things.

The mother knelt down and prayed reverently, and the ignorant child also knelt down, with a beam of happiness on his face.

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