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My dear never speaks.

Ellen looked at her petite lover in distress, stretched out her hand, and put her arm around her waist.

Because I don’t want this other person’s body to be close to my lover, I just put it on it and put my deadly blue and white ghost hand on the waist of the lover, just borrowing the perception of this body to let the limbs connect. The touch is more real.

Looking at the silent lover, his lips were close to the lover’s white ear.

“Why don’t you speak?”

The tall blond man leaned down and whispered in his ear, whispering like a murderous madman.

Some fine sweat came out from the tip of Yao Ye’s nose, and he replied tremblingly: “…Uh, what a coincidence, you also take the subway…”

Damn this bastard is definitely here to stop people!

Yao Ye knows very well how rich the family like Alexander is. He has heard that he has a very close relationship with the upper management of the company. If he changes his luxury car, he will not be reduced to the level of crowding the subway.

So he can only appear here because of him.

‘Alexander’ stared at Yao Ye with inorganic eyes for a while, then tilted his head and said, “Do you like it?”

It came here specially at this time, my dear must be very touched~

Yao Ye automatically interprets the “Do you like it?” in this sentence as “Do you like me following you?”

He was silent, and said dryly: “Haha, the boss is really joking.”

Abnormal…More perverted than the previous stalkers…

Yao Ye fell silent with sweaty palms.

Speaking of it, the previous stalker didn’t seem to show up yesterday, and didn’t even make breakfast. Could it be that Alexander was taken away?

Yao Ye is not clear.

All he knew was that it would be terrible for Alexander to pretend that nothing happened yesterday if nothing happened.


Just when Yao Ye was confused about what to do, he finally felt an extra hand on his waist.

He exploded his hair in horror, and when he looked down, it was Alexander’s.

Yao Ye held the briefcase tightly, raised his head stiffly, and looked at Alexander.

‘Alexander’ blinked innocently, his mouth twitched slightly, and his generous hands were still on Yao Ye’s slender waist. However, in order to prevent this body from actually touching his lover, he replaced it with his real hands.

A pair of pale Malicious Ghost palms were attached to Yao Ye’s waist under the cover of the palms of the living.

If Yao Ye watched closely at this time, he might be horrified to discover who the hands on his waist really belonged to.

Is dear shy?

It doesn’t matter, we are lovers anyway, it’s okay to be intimate at all~

Ellen happily rubbed his chin against the top of his lover’s head.

The face of the lover who was so pale that he was about to faint was regarded as shy and helpless.

Sexual harassment in the workplace! ! !

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