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Looking at An Ling’s calm face, Yao Ye felt safe inexplicably, and dared to look back. He turned around and explained to An Ling incoherently: “Master Eucalyptus, back! Something was chasing me just now, it seems not human……”

There was nothing behind him, and even the lights in the gloomy corridor no longer flickered, how normal it was.
Yao Ye: “…”

What a ghost is really bullying and fearing hardship! Run faster than rabbits in hard stubble!.

An Ling blushed and looked at Doctor Yao, who was particularly petite and lovely in her arms, and for a moment wondered if she was dreaming.

He must be dreaming, because only in dreams can he have such close contact with Doctor Yao…

Yao Ye was embarrassed looking at the empty back. The incident was the same as when he deliberately crashed into someone’s arms. If he were to be honest, would this security guard believe it?

I hit people twice before knew it well, and they both hit their chests, which was too embarrassing.

Yao Ye turned his head back and looked at An Ling with an awkward smile, and then realized that he was still in his arms, and he quickly apologized and wanted to withdraw, but he didn’t expect to be stopped by a pair of big hands.

Feeling someone else’s body temperature on his waist, Yao Ye was blinded and looked at An Ling suspiciously.

Thinking that she was dreaming, An Ling couldn’t help holding Dr. Yao in her arms.
If it is a dream, can you keep doing it?
Yao Ye’s waist is very thin. Although he doesn’t have many muscles because of regular exercise, he is very flexible and feels very good. At least it makes An Ling feel unwilling to let go.

But out of love and respect for the one he loves, even if he thought it was a dream, An Ling didn’t even have the idea of ​​doing anything-it was an insult to Dr. Yao.
In fact, putting the palm of your hand on Doctor Yao’s waist was the most offensive thing he had never thought of. So after putting his hand on, An Ling stared at Yao Ye blankly, with no love in his eyes. cover up.

Yao Ye only saw An Ling staring at him, feeling that the atmosphere in the elevator suddenly became philosophical, and he couldn’t help showing a weird look.
what’s the situation?

Sweat-soaked bangs stuck to his forehead, Yao Ye’s movements when he raised his eyes and looked at An Ling showed a bit of innocence.

“Master Eucalyptus? What’s wrong? Can you let me go?”

An Ling was stunned for a long time before suddenly regaining her senses and letting go of her hand. He took two steps back and clung to the elevator wall, as if Yao Ye was a wild beast. The birthmark can’t hide the red.

Looking at Master Eucalyptus, who bowed her head like a little daughter-in-law in front of her, and didn’t even dare to raise her eyelids, Yao Ye was speechless.

For some reason, he also remained silent at this time-because he always felt that something strange would happen when speaking in this atmosphere.

So Yao Ye, who had a very keen sixth sense, pressed the elevator to the first floor, and waited until the elevator reached the first floor to invite An Ling.

“Master Eucalyptus, are you busy now? Well, can I buy you a cup of coffee?” Yao Ye walked out of the elevator and asked An Ling who followed him with a smile.

In any case, the ghost bumping this time completely made Yao Ye realize how magical An Ling’s peace talisman is. Even the ghosts who dare to come out in such a fierce daytime are scared. It should be able to save his life.

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