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In the quiet abandoned hospital, this scream resounded through the sky, Yao Ye was already scared, and now he could hardly even ask for his ears.

Where exactly is this place? Why did he get here in a blink of an eye?

Yao Ye observed these strangers and the ghastly surroundings, which looked like an old hospital, but gave him a very familiar feeling.

He appeared directly in the dilapidated corridor just now. He was found by the voice. He thought he could find someone to ask about the situation. But who knows that these people have dyed hair and fancy, they don’t look like serious people.
He was confused, not sure if these were his own hallucinations.

Could he still be in the hospital now and just imagined this group of people?

[Fucking me scared to death]

[This little sister Cao’s voice is really OK]

[My mom and I’m so scared that I’m throwing her phone off the wall]

[What the hell! Have you hit a ghost! Don’t turn the camera over yet! 】

[What are you doing? Will it be broadcast live?]

The short-haired girl named Cao Xiaomei sat on the ground with fright. After seeing that the person at the door was a person, she came back to her senses. She stood up and cursed in annoyance, “Who are you? Why don’t you come here? Door! Came to find something on purpose?”

Looking at Yao Ye’s white coat that hadn’t had time to change, Cao Xiaomei guessed the truth consciously, and scolded Yao Ye like a gun, and said, “I see, you are a little MB who is here to catch the heat!” Damn wearing such a show is here for the occasion? Don’t have a bad face?"

Yao Ye looked at her in confusion and couldn’t understand what she was talking about. It was Chinese, but it was mixed with English. He was a medical student who had passed grade 4 and 6 did not understand.

What is a small MB? Face B is scolding him for shame?

Yao Ye usually doesn’t like surfing the Internet, so he doesn’t know much about Internet buzzwords. He feels a little angry after being scolded a few words, but a good tutor still calms him down.

“You, calm down, I’m sorry to scare you, but I just came to ask where it is, I’m lost…”

“Huh, you’re getting lost, don’t you say you are applying for a job in a white coat! Pretending to be a ghost!”

Little Sister Cao took a picture of Yao Ye with a flashlight on her face with disgust, and found that she was still a handsome guy. Then she calmed down and waved her hand pretentiously: “Forget it, my old lady doesn’t care about you. I have something to do with our boss. Go!”

Humph, this little MB has a good face, but it’s a pity that he doesn’t work well.

Yao Ye: “…”

Yao Ye couldn’t open his eyes by the light from the flashlight, so he had to block it, and looked at these people in the room with the light of the flashlight used for shooting with a peaked cap.

Five young men, dressed in weird styles, with torn pants and graffiti on their clothes.
This is late autumn, right? Are these people not cold?

Only then did the peaked cap wake up from Cao Xiaomei’s scolding war, and he also saw that the person in front of him was not a fellow, so there was no hostility, but his heart was a little uneasy. It was really strange that a stranger suddenly appeared in the middle of the night.

“Ah! So what, don’t mind, buddy, don’t mind, Little Sister Cao is just this temper, we are doing live broadcast, so it is not convenient for outsiders to disturb, if you are okay, go quickly!”

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