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“How can it be!”

Seeing the pale face of the pink-haired girl, Brother Li was also full of horror. He quickly checked his system and found that the system interface was fully red-locked, with big red boxes saying

[For unknown reasons, this copy is temporarily blocked, technical staff We are in full conquest, please try not to die during this period. 】

【repeat! The death of the player may cause unknown consequences. Players are requested to play with caution and wait for the official repair to be completed!]

“X Nima! What do you mean! Don’t even say when it will be repaired! When I go out, I must give the official one hundred one-star bad reviews!”

Looking at the announcement, Brother Li exploded, his forehead was bruised and his expression twisted.

He has played “Ghost Story” for a long time, and no one knows the horror of this copy better than him..

These extremely realistic copies are usually played as games, anyway, they won’t really die.

But if you are really trapped here and never get out, it would be a cruel punishment than death.

Here, human beings will not dissipate after death, but will melt into a part of the island and become the slave of this hell island, a monster who only desires flesh and blood and has no intelligence.

He has read so many guides. It’s not that no players have experienced this alienation process. Without exception, they described it as painful and difficult. Therefore, the official fear threshold was later set to prevent players from not being able to pop up the game immediately after death.

But now, the official has no control over this dungeon. If they die in the dungeon, wouldn’t they experience the pain of the old players?

“Damn it, the plan changed, the game company X and his family! It’s a joke about our lives!”

Brother Li frowned, his expression tense: “We must hide, we must not be killed these days, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, even if we can go back, we will experience a long period of pain!”

Brother Li introduced the content of the strategy he knew to everyone. For a while, everyone became nervous, and even the lazy pink hair girl became a lot more serious.

After all, no one wants to experience the feeling of becoming a monster, even if the pain is only 50%, it is not good!

Stone, who has always held a pessimistic attitude towards the game “Ghost Story”, is now even more pessimistic. He bowed his head and said dejectedly: “It’s over, I know that all the news that turned into vegetative people are true! We’re over here, we are dead and we must be disabled. !”

“If you listened to me earlier and stopped playing, wouldn’t it be fine!” There was a bit more complaining on the stone face.

Stone said when he was on the cruise ship, there was a problem with the game “Ghost Story”, but Brother Li and others didn’t believe it.

Although the facts have proved that what the stone said does have some truth, it will inevitably make people more upset when everyone is in a panic.

The already tense piece of money pushed the stone impatiently, and said in a vicious voice: “You can do it! Stone! When is it all! Is it fun to have to fight back?”

It was messy enough at first, but this fool also added chaos! Is it not messy enough?

Hearing this, Stone glared at Qian Yuan, then turned his head in a dull voice, not wanting to care about these disobedient idiots.

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