7.13 (end)

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It was another gray morning.

Yao Ye was sitting on the sofa, and the secretary Misa Aida was opposite.

She came to submit some documents. After all, there are many things that need to be handed over after the death of the head of the group. Even if a special manager is responsible for the management, Yao Ye, the heir of the estate, still needs to deal with many things.

Ai Tian Meisha looked at Yao Ye, who was concentrating on the documents, and then looked up at this spacious Fuso-style courtyard, with a greedy color in her eyes.

If you can become this man's wife, then all this will become hers.

"Yao Jun, you must be very sad recently. Actually, you don't need to be so sad. If you really can't help it, Meisha can also help..." As he said, Ai Tian Meisha squeezed her breasts if nothing happened. Two pieces of meat.

Yao Ye glanced at her with a strange expression.

Aida Meisha suddenly felt a little cold, she tried to maintain her charming posture, but she couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Yao, Yao Jun, why do you look at me like this, you are a little bit shy~" Ai Tian Meisha noticed Yao Ye's gaze, and she shrank her neck with coldness, while she couldn't hide her smug mouth.

Yao Ye closed the file blankly: "Miss Ai Tian, ​​please don't call so intimate, some people will be upset."

Misa Aida was taken aback when she heard the words. She thought that some indescribable plot would begin below. She did not react, and subconsciously repeated: "Huh? Not happy?"

"Yeah, I'm so angry."

Yao Ye leaned on the sofa, looking at the secretary opposite, and behind the secretary, the tall woman in a blood-colored kimono.

Meeting Yao Ye's gaze, Ai Tian Meisha felt a little scared inexplicably, her fingers began to tremble uncontrollably, she forced a smile, and said, "Hahaha, Yao Jun, yes, what are you kidding?"

Yao Ye didn't speak, and looked straight at Ai Tian Meisha, no, it should be said that it was, what was behind Ai Tian Meisha.


Aida Misa paused in horror, she felt as if there was something on her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes stiffly to look at her shoulder.

A deadly pale palm clasped her shoulders, and Dancome's nails were slowly sinking into her flesh and blood.

Aida Misa moved her gaze with horror on her face, moving her palm up, passing the crimson kimono sleeves, and seeing the kimono pattern where her eyes were level.

Those patterns are very much like the kimono styles that the chairperson loved before.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Ai Tian Meisha saw the pale woman staring at her condescendingly, and fell into madness for an instant.

She screamed and crawled out of the room, and even ran away one of her high heels.

She didn't notice that she was entwined with a black mist that could not be dispelled anyway. It was the resentment that the deceased would not take away until the death of the host. It would bring people endless bad luck. If the luck is bad, maybe it will be. Ushered in a death.

And that death is often more painful.

Yao Ye put his cheek in his hand and watched this scene boredly.

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