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After washing, Yao Ye simply cooked the porridge and sat in the dining room to eat.

He ate a few bites unconvincedly, then put down the spoon, turned his head and looked in the direction of the living room.

Where is Shinto Rena now? Are you still in the living room?

Yao Ye always felt that something was wrong in his heart. He hesitated for a while before getting up and walking to the living room.

In the living room, the TV screen reflects the faint cold light, and the remains of the remote control from last night are scattered on the wooden floor.


Yao Ye frowned, sat on the sofa, looked around, and whispered, “Shinto Rena? Are you there?”

No one responded.

Where Yao Ye couldn’t see, Malicious Ghost with long black hair was standing in front of him blankly, with his long hair hanging down, his hands hanging in front of him, like a broken puppet, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

And under Li Gui’s pale ankles, there were dark red blood and minced meat.

The living room has become a paradise of flesh and blood, which is disgusting and appalling.

Yao Ye felt a little bit cold around him. He suspected that Shinto Rena would be there to scare him, and his face became even more ugly.

Shinto Rena, isn’t he still angry, he was so excessive last night, but now he gave him a face and ignored him?

Yao Ye’s heart hurts when he thinks that his selfish wife is standing in a place where he can’t see and mocking him.

Is it too much to refuse such a thing? Obviously that guy Rena is the most excessive one!

Angrily, he remembered the strange story about Fuso that Shinto Rena had told him.

Legend has it that as long as people look at the place where the spirit exists from the gap between the fingers, one can see the true face of the spirit.

That is the way to crack the spiritual barrier.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye opened his fingers and decided to give it a try.

Anyway, a piece of meat is indispensable. Try to see if you can see Shinto Rena. You can’t let him laugh at it all the time. Don’t think that you can do things like a ghost, and you will save him sooner or later.

Yao Ye held back his anger and covered his entire face with his slender and white palms. Then, he opened his fingers and looked out of the fingers.


A pair of dark and dull eyes met him, and the pale and bloodless face was filled with a mixture of blood and minced meat.

This is a face close to him, almost touching the tip of his nose.

The pupil faces the pupil.

“…” Yao Ye looked at this face, stiffly maintaining his original movements, motionless.

——Woo…Yao Jun…I love you so much…

Yao Ye heard the whisper in his ear. It was a voice he couldn’t be more familiar with. He had been rubbing his ears and temples countless times in the past two years.

His pupils were a little dilated, trembling, and looked at the body under that face.

The neckline of the kimono stained black and red with blood was wide open, and a hideous scratch came into view. Bai Sensen’s ribs were exposed under the muscles, exposing the blood-red heart and blood vessels in it, almost just like bones in the arms. He leaned forward in front of him as he did before his death, as if he wanted to ask for a kiss.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now