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Crossing the boundaries of reality and reality, human faces in the real world stand solemnly on the land of the ghost world, and they all clenched their weapons.

“Listen to my orders! Open fire!!!”

Regardless of the surprised eyes of the people around, the soldier commander gave the order with a cold face.

The light as bright as day enveloped the entire apartment, and the sound of an explosion came in the next few seconds, the dust of the collapse of the building was filled, and the entire street was covered in a layer of gray tulle.


“Help! Please!”

The apartment building collapsed under the power comparable to missiles, and the screams of countless humans did not even get the pity of everyone’s attention.

The commander of the team frowned as he looked at the testing instrument in his hand.

“No! The value of the magnetic field has not dropped fundamentally! The subject is not here!”

The technicians quickly repaired the relevant data, and finally discovered the energy response of the stranger.

“In the downtown area, the energy response is smooth!”

The commander looked at the position displayed on the map and decisively ordered to turn to the target location.

Their only goal this time is to eliminate the subject, for which they can do so at all costs, whether it is talking about humans in the world or their own.

After a while, five or six armored vehicles with heavily armed soldiers drove on the street. The advanced weapons and equipment tore the veil of their peace era at this time. The sound of explosions and the noisy flames were accompanied by the screams of countless people in pain and panic. The neighing constitutes a doomsday scene, among the ruins, it overlaps infinitely with the depression of the real world.

At the same time, Ellen was sitting at his desk looking at his lover in the surveillance screen.

It held its cheeks fascinated, the corners of its mouth curled up, and its dark green eyes were filled with crazy love.

Honey, how so cute~

Suddenly, Ellen’s eyelids twitched, and he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the apartment building.

It seems…someone is coming in…

Ellen’s eyes suddenly cooled with warmth, and his expression became gloomy and terrifying, and the whole office filled the office like a black mist.

Someone…want to bother him and my dear…it’s so disgusting…

It’s always like this… If only they die…

Go kill them now… better not to disturb my dear…

Ellen tilted his head, calculating the time, if he wanted to come back before lunch, he would need to speed up.

It seems that the living people are not few.


The next second, the pale blond man fell on the table.

His cervical spine was twisted unnaturally, and his arms were folded into a strange angle at will. The dark-green pupils were silent, and only the light breath symbolized the survival of this body.

The ghost invisible to human eyes stood in the office covered with bloodstains, was wrapped in a black mist, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now