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The next morning

Yao Ye got up from the bed with dark circles under his eyes, brushed his teeth and washed his face sleepily, and almost fell into the washbasin. He rubbed his face severely with cold water to wake up.


Taking a towel to clean the water droplets on his face, Yao Ye’s teeth trembled from the cold, and his face was flushed by the cold water.

The water supply system of this apartment is cut off. The tap water is colder than the water in the open-air river outside, and the temperature is almost below zero. With such water temperature, it is not surprising that he would freeze the water pipe any day.

After washing, Yao Ye hurriedly put on his clothes, picked up his briefcase and left the house. It was almost seven o’clock. If he didn’t leave, he would miss the earliest bus, and he would have to take a taxi to waste money.

Walking to the elevator in the middle of the corridor, Yao Ye pressed the button and waited for a while before the elevator opened.

No way, there are many office workers living in this apartment, almost all of them start at this point. The elevator has to stop on almost every floor, which is very slow.


The elevator opened, and two or three office workers were already squeezed inside. Yao Ye also hurried into the elevator and stood facing the elevator door.

While waiting for the elevator to close, he inadvertently glanced at the apartment room diagonally opposite the door, and vaguely saw the door slowly opening. A familiar figure with long hair stood stiff in the door, looking in Yao Ye’s direction.

The elevator doors are closed and move down.
Yao Ye was stunned and muttered for a while, “Isn’t that room a bachelor…”
How could that junior high school student be there?
Did she live here before? Was he too busy to notice? Is that the bachelor’s sister?
Yao Ye wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, his eyes a little dumbfounded.
That girl, it should be… that’s right.
Ding—The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. Yao Ye was squeezed to the side of the elevator by the influx of people. For some reason, he looked up at the elevator door again. What caught his eye was a familiar figure near the entrance of the step ladder not far away. .
It’s… it.


The elevator door closed again, and Yao Ye bit his left index finger, before swallowing the scream in his throat.

Are you still dreaming?

Is he still awake and dazzled?

Ding-the fourth floor is here.

This time, Yao Ye’s face in the elevator was almost transparent, and his black and white eyes were filled with incredible light.

Because not far away, the figure of the black-haired junior high school student became clearer and clearer, so clear that Yao Ye could even see the scarlet scars on the girl’s neck and the blood constantly oozing out.

This time, he couldn’t deceive himself anymore…

He hit a ghost.

The first floor of the elevator arrived, and everyone filed out. One of the dark-haired young men was particularly quick. He stumbled out of the elevator, and ran out of the apartment building without daring to turn his head. Everyone almost thought he was sick. Now, panicked.

call! call! call!

The frightened Yao Ye dared not stop running along the street for a moment. Yesterday’s foot injury was already healed, not very painful, but the cold air in the morning poured into his lungs along the fragile throat. The tingling hurts, and the smell of rust in my mouth soon appears.
A bus stopped at the bus stop in front of him. It was the No.5 bus that Yao Ye usually took.

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