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Yao Ye looked at the traces on the ground for a moment, and then took a step back, trying to avoid the pile of unburned yellow paper.

It’s a pity that there was an ankle injury, and it was inevitable to be late, and the sole of the shoe was already stained with off-white paper ash when pulled it back.
Although Yao Ye didn’t believe in ghosts and gods, he felt that it would be unlucky to meet someone burning paper in the middle of the night, so he subconsciously bypassed this corner.

He continued to walk forward, and suddenly remembered the conversation of the nurses when he was receiving water at the service desk just now-someone burned paper at the crossroads for transfer, and transferred bad luck to the person who stepped on the paper dust.

After a pause, Yao Ye touched the tip of his red nose, a little dazed.

Things like luck have always been very evil.
When he was a child, he heard some folk anomalies from his elders, saying that in ancient times there were many evil methods of transporting, and the methods were different, but without exception, once someone wanted to transport, then the bad luck he abandoned would definitely be transferred to another. One person.

Therefore, the transshipment is the most detrimental to Yin morality.

In fact, the luck of being transferred is nothing more than a manifestation of a person’s yang energy. At most, the person who takes over the luck of others will be healthy, and the person being transferred will be weak for a period of time at most. The degree of common flu.

However, there are exceptions. Some frail people lose too much Yang Qi and will easily run into unclean things, so there are many people who die.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye looked back at the pile of paper dust behind him.
The wind blows away a lot of the ashes, and the floating yellow paper remains more and more conspicuous in the middle of the night.

It turns out that some people really take these transfer legends seriously.

Yao Ye retracted his gaze, shrugged, and left the pile of ashes behind.

This kind of feudal superstition is still believed by people. It is really a failure of compulsory education.

When he was young, he was deceived for a period of time. When he was older, he didn’t believe in such things.

To put it bluntly, this kind of folklore is nothing more than the psychological comfort of the older generation, and there is no scientific basis for any yang-qi luck.
The transshipment theory is even more absurd. A person’s fate is controlled by his own efforts. How can he be influenced by this pile of paper dust? It is too sad for people who hope to change their destiny by transferring.

Yao Ye closed his collar and speeded up his steps. The night was getting deeper and he really wanted to go back and rest quickly.

The sound of the wind whizzed Yao Ye’s black trousers, blowing a few pieces of yellow paper to the ground, leaving only a few white-gray traces.

Because the cold wind in the middle of the night was too bitter, Yao Ye’s steps got bigger and bigger. Although he couldn’t run because of his foot injury, his speed was not too slow.

He walked forward with the cold wind all the way, and at a speed almost trotting, a familiar apartment building finally appeared in his field of vision.

“Huh! Finally home.”

The night was deep, the guard was already dozing off in the guard room, Yao Ye was almost frozen stupid, he swiped his card into the apartment building shivering, and went straight to the elevator.

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