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【we will be together forever……】

Yao Ye frowned nervously in his sleep.

He heard countless familiar and unfamiliar voices, all full of love and paranoia, with different voices, but he felt that these seemed to be the voices of a single person.


Who is talking to him?

Yao Ye didn’t know why, the eyeballs under his eyelids moved quickly, and his long eyelashes trembled, struggling to wake up.

don’t know how long it took before Yao Ye finally got the physical touch again.

Gudong Gudong——

Yao Ye felt in a daze that he was lying in a piece of warm “sea water”, his slightly opened lips plunged into the “sea water”, a string of bubbles appeared around his mouth, and the tip of his tongue tasted some fishy sweetness.

Is the sea water smell like this?

Yao Ye felt something was wrong with his intuition, he struggled again, and finally opened his eyes.

What caught his eyes was endless blood, and the smell of blood filled his whole body.

Yao Ye suddenly sat up from the “sea water”, only to realize that he had been lying in a two-meter-square small pool just now, with the familiar beams of the slaughterhouse above his head.

Yao Ye lowered his head and saw himself covered with blood.

The entire pool is filled with blood, and blood is still pouring from the pipes outside.

It’s all, warm fresh blood.

That’s weird, who is playing the prank?

Or is he dead, in hell?

Yao Ye’s face was pale, and he got up weakly, and found that he was wearing a pair of pants all over his body. After being soaked in blood for so long, his skin was not wrinkled, and it turned whiter.

Where did the blood come from? Why is he here?

And… what about the big guys?

Confused Yao Ye shook his still dizzy head, remembering everything before.

He remembered that the big guy was in front of him before he lost consciousness, so he couldn’t really abandon him.

Yao Ye took a deep breath and decided to follow the input pipe of the pool to find out, maybe he could find any clues.

And… even if that big guy, no, Yuanping really wants to sever his kindness with him, at least, he has to say it in person.

White plastic sheets were hung everywhere in this factory building, dyed with an unknown dark color. When the wind blew, it floated like a ghost.

Once another piece of plastic sheeting was in the way, Yao Ye looked at the empty factory building with only his own footsteps, and was shocked.

Although a little scared, he wanted to find his big guy even more.

That was his only friend, Yao Ye didn’t believe that he would abandon himself so easily.

Soon, Yao Ye found the source of the pipeline.

It was a factory building where the wallpaper had fallen off and the iron door was rusty. Yao Ye stepped in, looking at the scene in front of him, his breathing stopped.

! ! !

this is–

Yao Ye opened his eyes in shock and fear, his voice hoarse.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now