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The heart is still beating, he should still be alive.

That strange story, except for the identity of the character at the beginning, can not be matched at all, why did he put himself on the starving lover!

That guy is obviously much worse than him! How painful it is to starve to death!
Yao Ye thought about it carefully, and then he was relieved. Yes, he is living well now, where is he starved to death!

“I didn’t lie to you, nor did I die, I am alive and well.

After being silent for a long time, Yao Ye finally suffocated a rebuttal, and then began to say over and over that he was not trapped in the attic, and that he was deceived by two ghostly adults.

Hearing his rebuttal, the eyes of the strangers in front of him looked even stranger, and Yao Ye was frightened.

“Anyway, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us.” Yao Ye tried his best to explain.

But the group of people in front of them who were eager to escape couldn’t wait. They looked at each other for a while, and unexpectedly came up with an idea.

That is-the guy in front of me is probably a mental patient!

“I think it’s very possible. You see his clothes are so dirty, he still has a dog chain around his neck, I’m afraid which one did not lock the door and let the patient out!”

Wu Qing made a guess, and his analysis was correct.

“But, he just appeared out of thin air!” Little Liu cried, his voice trembled.

“Could it be that you were too nervous to read it wrong! You see, just now only you and Ayun saw that right? We also started to be afraid when you were so scared!”

Hearing this, Little Liu was dumbfounded, and looked left and right with trembling, and found that the others were really skeptical.

“How is it possible! I really saw it!”

Little Liu couldn’t defend himself. He turned to ask his friend A Yun for help, only to find that A Yun was starting to get nervous again, shaking more than him, and saying things were uncomfortable.

As a result, Little Liu and A Yun were unable to explain, and they were regarded as a momentary mistake.

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, this person who appeared suddenly was not a ghost, and these fledgling young people suddenly gained courage and dared to speak loudly.

“He specified to hide in the next room, and then sneak out to scare us while we didn’t pay attention!” Another short-haired girl also pointed at Yao Ye.

Yao Ye looked at them unexplainably, but could not hear the whispers they had just made.

“This crazy! Get him quickly, so that he won’t go crazy and hurt people for a while!”

Lu Ren became more courageous now. He found the right time and gave an order. Taking advantage of Yao Ye’s unpreparedness, he grabbed the chain around his neck and staggered Yao Ye.

In addition to the scared Little Liu and A Yun, several young girls also helped to rush forward and took Yao Ye’s arm to prevent him from resisting.

“What are you doing—ah!”

Yao Ye was originally exhausted because of the previous vomiting and ghost beating against the wall, and under this unsuspecting situation, he was really easily restrained.

Lu Ren strangled his neck tightly with a chain, and the extra section tied a knot on his hand, directly locking his hands to the position of his chest, unable to move.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now