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Yao Ye called the moving company after he packed up the sundries, and agreed to hang up after he came to move tomorrow.

“…” Looking around, Yao Ye looked sad.

The twilight daylight filled the room, and the hibiscus-like furniture stood quietly like many times in the past, looking very simple and lonely.

In the past, when Rena was still there, at this time of the weekend, he would kneel and sit on the corridor by the courtyard, arranging flowers, letting the orange sunlight reflect into the courtyard, illuminating his kimono and white cheeks.

There is no denying that Rena, who is quiet, is really beautiful.

His flower arranging technique is also very good, the flowers are always bright and dripping, and they look exceptionally beautiful.

However, when night comes, this weak and beautiful woman will turn her head to look at her husband next to her, and the smile on her lips is full of sex.

“Yao Jun, I really like to see me~” His red lips curled up, and the cat-like eyes flashed with strange brilliance, like the letter of a poisonous snake, which is shocking.

Before he finished speaking, those white palms that were still arranging flowers would do other things. Sometimes Yao Ye struggled hard, and the vase on the small table aside would fall to the ground. The carefully trimmed bouquets were scattered and delicate. The petals will fold unbearably, and the flower branches will be used in other places.

Some things Yao Ye hated.

! ! !

Thinking of the unpleasant memory, Yao Ye’s face turned black.

He retracted his nostalgic gaze, kicked the small table beside him into the yard, and then walked away holding back his anger.

Shinto Rena, a perverted guy, is it the norm in Fuso?

Yao Ye went to the kitchen, took some quick-frozen food from the refrigerator, and started eating dinner after thawing.

Before getting married, he was also a bohemian international student. His three meals were very irregular. As a result, he has been married for two years now. Under the pressure of Rena’s demon, he has also developed the habit of eating regularly. Missing time will be very uncomfortable. .

Yao Ye didn’t even notice that his wife Renai had left many indelible traces in his life.

Sitting in the living room, Yao Ye leaned on the sofa, watching TV boredly.

The latest news is being broadcast on TV. The host said that the economic recession is coming, and many small businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. People should invest carefully.

Yao Ye frowned and changed the channel.

He doesn’t like to watch business-related things, which always reminds him of Shinto Rena.

Rena’s family business, Shendu Group is a large chaebol group in Fusang. Its subsidiaries are involved in all aspects of Fusang society and are very powerful.

The hereditary group president position allowed the family to continue its upper-class social status for a long time.

However, this family is very thin, and many of the children will die halfway. Even if they survive, many of them will die of various unexpected diseases, which is a curse. So that in the generation of Shinto Rena, there is only one direct bloodline of Shinto Rena.

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