7.1 The Returning Dead Wife

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In 2022 on the blue calendar, grotesque rages all over the world, and ghosts have exploded.

Longguo Lizhou,

On a rainy day, the sky dimmed a lot.

In the drizzle, Zhao Kun eagerly walked into the underground military base in a military uniform.

The base is busy at this time, and the uniformed staff and researchers shuttle through this secret underground base with enthusiasm.



The sound of the operation of the instrument is constant.

“Success! There is a response! The strong magnetic field response is gathering! Commander! We succeeded!”

The middle-aged professor with gray hair was dancing in ecstasy, and behind him, a tiny light was emitting from a huge deep hole.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Kun’s pupils shrank, and he also laughed expectantly.

They succeeded, they succeeded finally, successfully awakening the gods sleeping in the core of the earth!

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and many researchers are nervously observing the deep hole not far away through a thick layer of tempered glass, without blinking.

No one wants to miss this once-in-a-lifetime sight-the legendary god awakens.

Will the gods save the whole world?

Everyone has deep hopes.

After all, now, mankind has a dead end.

A year ago, ghost domains broke out on a global scale. Under the command of Commander Zhao Kun, the Dragon Kingdom allowed countless people to enter the holographic game to purify the grotesque and suppress the recovery of large ghost domains. Only then did they survive the disaster and did not suffer too many ghosts. Territory shock, but still be troubled by some small weirdness, and countless casualties.

Other countries are even worse.

Because at first, no one took those supernatural events circulated on the Internet seriously. Even if Long Kingdom shared a lot of ghost-domain information with other countries, there were also many countries that saw the weirdness and chose to conceal it, but later regretted it.

The consequence of the concealment is that in the early stage of the outbreak of the ghost domain, many people hid in their homes and were silently killed by the ghosts boarding at their homes, and their deaths were unclear.

The grotesques take the pleasure of devouring human flesh and blood. Not only do they appear out of sight, they also go hunting in human skins, and their attacking methods are hard to prevent.

And most human weapons do not work against those terrible weirdness.

The outbreak of the ghost domain has exacerbated the crisis of mankind, because every resurrection of the ghost domain will instantly turn the surrounding area into hell.

The most typical and terrifying ghost domain recovery since the outbreak occurred on the blue star Quanzhou continent. A prosperous metropolis with a population of hundreds of millions has become a paradise for ghosts and monsters in just a few hours. The screams of human beings are in the city. It is still clearly audible beyond meters.

In just one year, the front of mankind has retreated and then retreated. So far, the international chaos has become a pot of porridge. The few remaining resistant developed areas are surrounded by refugees, and they are suffering from internal and external troubles. Words.

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